My GN was stolen


May 24, 2001

My GN was taken from Public Storage facility in Harbor City, CA

Lic# 4BZJ 355
Vin# 1G4GJ1177HP454872

Any information would be definitely appreciated

Mack: Really sorry to hear about this, I can only imagine how you feel. I don't know how you feel about this, but you might want to consider revealing the location of the storage facility in hopes of preventing other valueable vehicle owners from meeting the same fate. Only a thought. I hope that it has a speedy recovery, and it will be in one piece. I really hate to see anybody go through this gut-wretching experience.
Good luck on it's recovery.
Does anybody know if Carfax will list a vehicle that's stolen as being stolen on the carfax report. I don't think that law enforcement has the personnell to notify carfax of amything, but does a copy/alert/record of the police stolen report go to the DMV, and the DMV does turn in stuff to carfax, I believe. If you were to get a copy of the police report denoting it stolen, and you submitted it to carfax, do you suppose that they would list it as stolen, thereby at least cutting down on the chances of it being sold. Also, carfax always has a note on it somewhere asking the receipent of the carfax if they know of anything else that is not on the carfax. Mileage is one of the things that they always ask about. ??? Just some idle thoughts.
I know how you feel, i had my 84 stolen 4 years ago, and im still pissed. all car fax told me is that it was re-titled in NY and when i tried tracking it down, yes me because the cops did not care to persue the issue, I found the place that retitled my stolen vehicle and confronted them. They said that it was "junked" and that was the last i herd. It did not say anything in the carfax about it ever being stolen, just that is was issued a salvage title. Im sure someone is crusing it around as it was in great shape.
Good luck