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My TTA vs Bmw M5 -99


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I dont know anything!
Jun 14, 2002
Well, suddenly I saw a Bmw come up fast behind me when I was out and cruised.

In Sweden, no one knows what a TTA is. I dont think he knew it either, but he thought it was fast apperently.

So we came to a red light, lined up and off we did go. I saw the "M" sign on his trunk, and thought... oops a M5, this will be a hard match.

He took the start (I didnt wanna put any load on the tranny so I didnt boost brake. I also had street tires.) He got 2-3 car lengths fast. Then I started to pull on him some, but had to brake when the road got curvy :) The M5 continued to walk me in the curve, they are better cars for that purpose...

I followed him to his parking around 1 mile away and asked him what year it was... Its a 99 he said. 400 horses I said ? Yes he replied. I think the M5 has a V8 also if I dont remember wrong.

Well I have waited a long time to race on of thoose Bmw M cars, and finally I got it.

I would say that if we were on the strip I would have taken him, as I gained on him after the start. I drove with 17-18 psi untuned engine, no alky.

I dont know if I shall take it as I loosed or won ? For me its a victory, cause I saw that I gained on him when both cars had traction and was up in speed. But they are damn fast thoose Bmw:s!

"I dont care if its an inch or a mile, a win is a win" Oh sorry, too much Fast and flabergasted. I raced one of those at the end of last summer and beat him pretty good. I was with my wife and my son, and this BMW comes up to me at the light and looks over at me and revs it hard, my wife looks at me and said dont, we're on Transit rd and there are a lot of cops around here. But what does she know? Lite turns green and he drops the clutch, I was only at around 4 lbs boost, but with my DRs on and a few (165) extra lbs of 16 year "jr" in the back seat, I hooked up great and walked him big till around 65 ish, backed off and he turned into the gas station before catching up to me @ the next lite. As I sit there with a big sh!t eatin grin on my face I turn to my right and Guess what is at the light to my right, an Amherst cop, looks at me, and drives past, I guess he didnt see the little lesson that just went on. My wife looks at me and says "you know you are going to lose your license in this car dont you?" I just smile and drive home. M5 0, GN 1!
Nice kill Icepicker. Without a good start you will not take anyone, as in my case... But to gain on him is enough for me. I have a stock transmission and stock rebuild 2 years ago, so I dont wanna put any extra load on it, I have to order a new one soon...

Unfortunately there is a lot of ordinary BMW:s that have the M emblem on the trunk here in Sweden, but this was a real one.

I think them are low 13 second cars on the strip, maybe high 12.

0-62 mph for a M5:a E46 is 5.2 seconds.

Tough cars from a roll though. Most of that torque/hp comes in a little higher in the RPM bands. Were much better off on a really straight line from a dig. Good Kill!