Nc Meet Sat June 28th


Aug 31, 2002
OK I figured I would go on and post this up. Many people have said june 28th would be a good day for a meet. Its gonna be at fuddruckers in Hickory as usual. This one will probably not be as big as the others have been but I am still expecting a nice little turnout and a great time. Will start around 7 PM as usual. The restuarnt is always great to us and we don't have to worry about cops. Just know that if you plan to come its expected that you eat in the resturant since they let us use there parking lot the whole night and don't bother us. My email is if you have any other questions.

There will probably be F-body's, stangs, GN's, supras, and a few other types of cars there as well. Tell all your friends cause its open to anyone. Hope to see you there and hopefully we can do without rain for once.

Hey, can you list a street address? (to be entered into mapquest) Can't say that I promise to make it, but if I find myself able to make the hike from Chapel Hill, I'd like to have a better idea of where I'm going.

Chapel Hill to Hickory is about 2 hours, right? Something like that?

Yup should take you right at 2 hrs. I can't give an exact street address but its on HWY 70 East in Hickory. You should be able to take I 40 all the way to Hickory and get off the 70 esat exit and it should be on your right.
You're killing me...

I might as well get out of the hot-rodding business!! Because I always have something else going on that I can't make it to these events!!

This time it's a party at my wife's best friends house!!:( However, there's free alcohol there!!:D

Gez man. I think I have seen every other GN around out to Hickory once but yours, lol. But I know how it goes. The only way that I am able to make em is that I have to get off from work about 1 month ahead of time. Maybe you can make the next one, and I'll look for you next Sat night up at rockingham.
Originally posted by N20LS1Brandon
...and I'll look for you next Sat night up at rockingham.

Brandon, the Rockingham deal has been postponed until a later date. They have an IHRA event scheduled that day.

Originally posted by N20LS1Brandon
Gez man. I think I have seen every other GN around out to Hickory once but yours, lol.

You know what they say... You've seen one, you've seen them all!!;)

Keith's car is sorta like an Urban legend--you know--like the Loch Ness monster--or King Kong---sure you hear about them from time-to-time-----but when is the beast ready to rear it's ugly head?
Just pickin with you Keith--i am bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by ghall
Keith's car is sorta like an Urban legend--you know--like the Loch Ness monster--or King Kong---sure you hear about them from time-to-time-----but when is the beast ready to rear it's ugly head?
Just pickin with you Keith--i am bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ain't that the truth. Lot's of stories about it but no actual sightings or photos. I should have my tranny by then and as long as I don't break anything at Reynolds the weekend before, I may come up from Charlotte.

Keith's car is sorta like an Urban legend--you know--like the Loch Ness monster--or King Kong---sure you hear about them from time-to-time-----but when is the beast ready to rear it's ugly head?

:D ;)

Ain't that the truth. Lot's of stories about it but no actual sightings or photos.

:eek: :confused:

Yeah, some people have hyped up the rumors over the last few years about my car. But like I said above, you've seen one, you've seen them all!;)

Or in Keith's case.... You've seen one, he hopes to see his again! Haaaaaa! I'm only picking on ya cause I know you handle it so well. I don't know anyone else we all give such a hard time and always keeps a smile going!

As for me, I plan on attending. Kevins going to bring his pregnant wife, so he'll be on his best behavoir! I don't have a women now so my old trusty black beatch will be with me. I can't complain, ole girls loyal! She takes the abuse well too! I love too when she wears that purple perfume, it kind of makes her wild! Smells good too!

Ok, nevermind I do need a women! The car only does so much for me.

Originally posted by Gmachine
Or in Keith's case.... You've seen one, he hopes to see his again! Haaaaaa! I'm only picking on ya cause I know you handle it so well. I don't know anyone else we all give such a hard time and always keeps a smile going!

:) :D :eek:

You guys are killing me. Everyone's a comedian.;)
