The motors runs strong so far got 100 miles on it today and gave it a little boost 12lbs and no knock only noise so far is a tapping coming from trans/converter area its a restalled d5 2500-2800 it shifts great nice and firm and no slip the converter alone is much different from the d7 i took out (trans was rebuilt before i got car and they put the wrong convertorin it)
thought i had a valve tap but the noise is coming from the convertor area
probly got a crack vane of somthing like that.
Wifes getting mad the stang stomps her firebird and she used to be able to stomp the GN notice i said USED to be able
thats good to hear. cant wait to get my motor in the car but that is going to have to wait for another 2 1/2 months. keep us posted on the car please and let us know how it runs once you turn it up.
Sadly, I could house all of the stuff in the pics within my garage. The boat would have to go outside in the RV area though. The garage is around 1500 sq ft.