Need some computer help!!


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2001
My other laptop will not boot up. I will get my Windows XP screen and then I get a blue screen with a message(which it won't stay on the screen long enough to read) and it restarts itself. It will just keep restating itself after the message. I even tried to run safe mode, but I get the same problem. Any thoughts on how to get it going again?? It's a compaq pasario 2100. Not even 2 years old yet. If I can't get it going it's going in the garbage!! :mad:
Thanks for any help!
If you re-install Windows overtop of the bad one, that should be good enough to get it going. Your personal files should be left intact (assuming that you don't reformat, etc.), but you'll need to re-install all your favorite programs.

Ahhh yes! the dreaded BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)

Hit F8 and try "Last known good configuration" Either a driver or a piece of software broke something. Microshaft put out a few security fixes within the last 5 days or so.


reboot it a few times and see if you can decipher what it says. This messgae depends on how XP is configued too, sometimes it will do just a memory dump

Post back here what you find!
Here is a pic of what comes up on my computer before it turns off. Hope I can get the pic up here. Also I tried to do the last good configuration, It didn't work.


  • bsod.jpg
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My blue screen is similar to the pic. I got it off of some website. But that is what pops up for a second before my computer turns off than back on.
Thanks for the help guys.
You can try a repair or an overlay installation as mentioned above. You will not have to reinstall your programs from doing a repair or an overlay install though.
Something I would do first, is go to
and download the software to create a bootable floppy, or the CD image, and run that. Bad RAM can cause errors like this as well. If you have bad RAM, you're never going to straighten the problem out until that's fixed, so you may as well start there.