Never-Ending Cooling Problems

I just saw this thread and wanted to add my 2 cents. There was a comment made about antifreeze being cooler. I would like to argue that point. Most antifreeze uses glycol as the main ingredient. Glycol in it self is actually has very poor thermal transfer properties. In actuality is stinks. The reason for mixing water and and antifreeze is to increas the thermal transfer properties of the glycol. Straight Water actually has one of the best thermal transfer properties and as long as the system is sealed under pressure then the water will not boil and keep its thermal transfer properties. This is another reason wht keeping properly sealed and pressurized cooling system is so important. Products such as water wetter and RMI help the water do its job, but the straight water is the best solution for maximum cooling. Of course if you drive in cooler or freezing weather then the anitfreeze is very necessary. Hope any of this info helps.
Anybody try that Evans Cooling stuff? I was just wondering how it compares to your everyday antifreeze.
Mike, nice data. Going to straight water with RMI25 from your water/antifreeze mix should make as much improvement as you got going from 50/50 to your current water antifreeze mix. Adding it to your mix will help, but not as much. Buy the 32 oz bottles, they are cheaper per oz. Just shake well before pouring.
I would go to straight water, if nothing just to see how much of an improvement I would get. But, it's really hard to drain the block completely. The 11 quarts water, 2 quarts antifreeze is estimated based on how much water I was able to pour back into the radiator after draining as much 50/50 as possible from the radiator and block. I could only remove the drain plug on one side of the block, so that's probably where most of the water stayed.

Actually, 11/2 works out quite well. I can usually get about 4 to 5 quarts out if I just drain the radiator. So, come winter, I can drain 4 to 5 quarts of the 11/2 mix, pour in 4 to 5 quarts of antifreeze, and I'll be back at the 50/50 mix for the winter.

I assume you have the flap that goes from the bottom of the radiator support to the grille?
In my first post, I mentioned that my car is "completely boxed from grill to FM and radiator". What I meant is that I do have the flap that goes from the bottom of the grill to the bottom of the radiator. I also have the side flaps installed and pinned to the flap. So, there is very little leakage between the grill and the radiator.

I don't have any test data, but doing all of that seemed to do very little as far as cooling things down. I remember that when I did all that, I was disappointed in the lack of improvement. It probably helps some at idle, though, because I don't pick-up hot air right off the pavement.

Actually, I have a large air dam under my radiator lower support. I got a large one from a yard (from a Caprice, I think), and cut out sections to clear my intercooler pipes. The air dam is supposed to keep hot air from the rear of the radiator from "re-circulating" back around to the front of the radiator when the car is sitting. They also are supposed to prevent excess air from getting under the car while it is moving, which forces more air through the grill. I've never made any measurements to assess their effectiveness.
