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Maybe next week Friday or Sunday at the Auto Show? That's a cool idea....

Wow, Tony you gave me quite a parts list.....I am hunting a 1984 GN hot air with 7,500 original miles, out of Pennsylvania (a unique first year GN that might be a blast to tune)! Holy Crap! I unloaded my two other cars, an Austin Healey and a VW Karmann some crazy stories about selling them, for sure.

Let's get together, the more we do busy stuff, the quicker winter will get the hell out of here! : )
I'm free those days. Let's do it! And there always is a bigger parts list for the hotairs as their pcm's are touch simpler, their heads and intake not that good, turbos lacking a little bit, and the old style cooling fan is not only inefficient, but adds parasitic loss to the engine as well.. You could have some fun with some tires, alky, exhaust & full cooling system upgrades though. But I'm sure the bug will bite when people are constantly trying you and you gotta reply with "I can't, this is only a mildly modified car, sorry, I'm slow." Then it will start to eat at you on the drive home. It's like crack. But, if you have enough personal discipline to leave it alone, just do the above mods (in addition to the basic ones ALL buicks should get) and you'll be just fine with that I believe. Though, with alky you may need a pcm change, I'm not sure.

Awesome on the car sales. You got lucky, you got rid of them in a time when car sales are usually a little slow. Sweet. Let's start turnin some wrenches!
Ha Ha! I quite literally am "slow"!! ......(laughing my ass off).....I think the 84 hot air would be a great brother to my 87 Turbo.....and probably a ton of fun to tinker with....maybe Sherif has some pointers from personal experience??? Can't wait to see the group and talk some shop, and some good stories!

Lets go guys. Who wants to go to the car show tomorrow? Anyone? I'll call everyone later today to confirm.
I can't make it this weekend. Have stuff going on with the family. Will try and make next get together
Crap, i am still waiting for the shipper to pick up my Karmann Ghia i sold.....Murphy's Law says they will be at my front door tomorrow if i am at the Auto i am in a holding pattern.....hope to hear something later today or tomorrow morning.....stand by!! Craig
Still no Karmann Ghia pick up....gotta open up the stall next to my '87 for another Turbo Regal, getting anxious! Hey, while I was in the downstairs workshop, I pulled out my VHS (....yes, VHS!!) recording of the 1994 GS Nationals in Bowling Green, KY.....any of the club go to that in '94?? I am going to try to get the VHS laid down on a format from this century... LOL.....I will try to get copies for everyone! Its me at the Christmas tree watching burnouts and recording trap times....see everyone soon!

No pick up? Did they pay already lol? Weird. Do you have a guy for vhs to dvd transfer? If not, I used a guy local to us for one. He had reasonable prices. Lemme know, I'd love to see it.
So tomorrow the truck is supposed to come get my Karmann Ghia....then I need to finalize the deal for a 7,000 mile (or is that 107,000 ha ha) 1984 GN out of New long as they can clear the snow in the next 2 months! LOL....maybe we can meet up next weekend Saturday or Sunday? Craig
Nope, I've seen a bunch of photos, and talked the owner a couple times.....he's at Mecum Kissimmee in Florida this week, this is a fairly priced car....the fact it has only 7,000 miles on it knocks my socks off!!! The car came out of South Carolina....quite a timepiece.....lets have some fun with it!!! Craig
Found thread and voted. We going to do a meet up at the Autorama this year? It is March 6-8
400sbcdon, it would be great if you and your Turbo Buick buddies could make it out to one of the SE Michigan meet ups.....its a really fun get together to talk tech, trade stories, reminisce, have a pint or two, talk about future projects, or current! Spread the word! Can't wait for a summer meet up with dozens of Turbo Buick's out cruising......I work for GM, trust me, these cars are still lighting fires, and melting tires......Craig