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Hey guys I could use some help out here in Westland if anyone is close by. I've got a no start issue with my car, it's got injector pulse but no spark, tried another ignition module that I had but I'm not 100% sure if it was good or not. Anyway I would like to put my coil and module on someone else's car and see if they get spark or borrow a known good unit and try to start my car. Been having trouble getting on the forum since like Friday, if anyone can help me out please call or text me at 313-212-6161. Thanks
The site's back! lol. Hey, I'd love to help you but hot airs are a little different. Can I point you to a hot air expert?
Hey guys I could use some help out here in Westland if anyone is close by. I've got a no start issue with my car, it's got injector pulse but no spark, tried another ignition module that I had but I'm not 100% sure if it was good or not. Anyway I would like to put my coil and module on someone else's car and see if they get spark or borrow a known good unit and try to start my car. Been having trouble getting on the forum since like Friday, if anyone can help me out please call or text me at 313-212-6161. Thanks
Has your car been running prior to this? Could you try a new one from the local Autozone? Is there a ground for that system that could be corroded? Is everything else electrical running ok?
Yes car did run, engine was removed all gaskets were changed, timing chain and injectors are also new. Here's where I'm at now, switched back to original module, removed TPS connector, removed up pipe and manually opened the throttle blade about half way. now I'm getting backfire through the intake. si now I'm guessing either the cam sensor is not set correct, bad, or timing chain was not installed correctly but I'm sure I installed it right.
Ahh I see. I meant was it running while it was all assembled in it's current configuration. Since you yanked the engine, that could be anything at that point. But yea, I was thinking the exact same two things as well, cam sensor or timing. Also grounds. They're a common point missed. At this point you've verified fuel pressure at the rail, and did the spark plug test right?
Also, try to find the correct way (if there is one, but if it's electrical I'm sure there is) to actually test the coils and module with a meter. I think the coils you ohm out between posts and are looking for 11-13 ohms, am I right on that? The module's different but I would still try to test anyhow. I learned the hard way (by emptying my wallet) that throwing new parts at a car is not diagnosis, it's just an expensive version of trial and error. Something I was very good at. If you can't find it on here, call one of the master Buick shops or your local auto electric places to see if they know.
car has not ran in its current configuration yet, i did the spark test and did not get a spark on 1,3,or 5. chanhed the ignition module to another one i had sitting around and still no spark, went over all the grounds and they are good. messed around with a ton of stuff last night just double checking all my connections and changed back to the stock module, now i backfire. fuel holds steady at about 40 lbs
ohm my coils im at like 11.8 ohms, i called full throttle and the recomemded i drop $700 on a tr6 unit, bruce at agressive said he only gets modules for customers cars that hes working on but suggested the module could be the problem, but when i talked to both of them i was having a no spark issue now im guessing its getting spark if it backfires right ? and thanks for your help
car has not ran in its current configuration yet, i did the spark test and did not get a spark on 1,3,or 5. chanhed the ignition module to another one i had sitting around and still no spark, went over all the grounds and they are good. messed around with a ton of stuff last night just double checking all my connections and changed back to the stock module, now i backfire. fuel holds steady at about 40 lbs

1, 3, 5. That's the back half of the coils. So 2, 4, & 6 all fire then? And what's the spark plug test results with the other module?
Haven't had a chance to test spark again yet but I assumed if 1,3,5 were either good or bad that 2,4,6 would be the same because they share coils correct ? But does a backfire mean I have spark ?
That is true that if one side of your coils are getting power then the other side is as well but that's theory. That's what's supposed to be happening on paper. Is it happening in real life? And I would think a backfire means something's getting ignited. I still want both of those modules verified though. I'd like to see spark on every spark plug with either module. After that, then you can rule that out. I have a few other suggestions but don't want to load up your plate, or pre-program your mind. Each individual step has to be verified in a certain order first. When I work with an unclear mind I jack things up because of it. One step at a time. Oh yea, and don't try ohming out your plug wires either, it doesn't work that way. The values that come across a normal handheld meter show because of a current applied that is not really applied in real life when a car is firing off of it's own ignition system. Two totally different styles of current.
What's the best way to check for spark ? What I did was just remove the plug and then reinstalled the wire, laid it up by the wiper arm and cranked. Is that ok or should I go buy a spark tester ?
From what I've read, I would suspect the ign module or crank sensor. Timing seems fine so it shouldn't be the cam sensor. Borrow a few good units tht you could test or something and see if you figure something out.
I usually test for spark at the coil on the coil pack itself. I just unplug the wire and crank. Not sure if this is the smart or safe way to do it...
You could just plug all the plugs in and crank it and see if they're all firing, or probably a better way would be to buy a formal spark plug tester. That way you can get that part out of the equation.
ok i am going to reset the cam sensor and recheck for spark either tonight or tomorrow and will let you guys know what i find out. thanks again for the help
It's alive !!! It runs like crap but it runs Im sure we can fine tune her from here. Thanks turbo6smackdown, and thanks sherif for the cam sensor tool.