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I moved here about four years ago..Yep you can walk down to Woodward from my house and watch the cruise,but its hella crowded..
Wow, 9-1/2 months since a post. New to MI in 2017. Used to live in NH. I live in Hickory Corners near the Gilmore Car Museum. I go to the Wednesday Cruise Nights at the Gilmore and sometimes to Go Go cruise night on Tuesday in Galesburg. Almost never see another Turbo Buick. Odd since their not rare. I'm planning to go to the muscle car show at the Gilmore in September. Last time I went here were (6) or so Turbo Buicks. Might make it up to Grand Rapids for the big cruise this summer.
Wow, 9-1/2 months since a post. New to MI in 2017. Used to live in NH. I live in Hickory Corners near the Gilmore Car Museum. I go to the Wednesday Cruise Nights at the Gilmore and sometimes to Go Go cruise night on Tuesday in Galesburg. Almost never see another Turbo Buick. Odd since their not rare. I'm planning to go to the muscle car show at the Gilmore in September. Last time I went here were (6) or so Turbo Buicks. Might make it up to Grand Rapids for the big cruise this summer.
If you happen to see a dark metal flake blue 87 T, Say HI!
The Gilmore man your out there lol. Most of the Buick guys are Metro Detroit. I work out in Chicago about every couple weeks so I always see the sign for the Gilmore on 94 out by Kalamazoo. Been saying I was gonna stop by there and the Air Zoo for over a year now. You been to either one, are they worthwhile ?
Also check out “back to the bricks” car show in Flint if your down for a drive. I have not been before but know guys who go and it looks like a great turnout and good time.
Also check out “back to the bricks” car show in Flint if your down for a drive. I have not been before but know guys who go and it looks like a great turnout and good time.
Flint's Back to the Bricks is a must. While there you will want to make sure to make it over the river to Water St. The Buicks congregate there in front of the old Durant - Dort Factory One Building.
Is that a certain day or time ? I would like to make it one year. Dream Cruise is amazing but I’m almost burned out. I usually go all week and skip Saturday now but the last couple years I have went Saturday also.
Just saw only part of my other post posted. He’s way west of most of us so he might want to try and setup a SW meetup. I’m not sure that one exists
So I didn’t look at the link but from my understanding Back to the bricks is the same weekend as the dream cruise correct ?

For anyone not familiar to the SE Michigan cruise screen Hines Drive is about my favorite now. I have my own personal reasons but if nothing else they USUALLY cut it off to cars 25 years and older.
Holy crap! Sorry I didn't post back sooner but I figured it would be at least a month to get a reply. ;-)

Yeah, the Gilmore is a great museum. They have a rotating exhibit and the Muscle Car one ended last winter or spring. There were a bunch of pristine rare muscle cars on display. They also had a great AJ Foyt exhibit with a bunch of his race cars on display from sprinters to Indy cars and sports cars. The current rotating exhibit is Dusenburgs if you're into that. They still have some cool 60's and 70's cars on display. You can spend a day there. Or do 1/2 day at Gilmore and a 1/2 day at the Air Zoo. Air Zoo is cool, especially if you have kids with you. Or if you're a plane buff. I'm ex-USAF so I can look at planes for hours. Bores the shit out of my wife.

Wednesday night is the regular cruise night at the Gilmore. 190 cars last Wednesday and there must have been over 400 a week or two before. Last week was hot with a threat of rain so the car count was down. Usually a live music act and a outdoor bar set up. Plus the old 50's diner for food and ice cream. The SW Mich Muscle Cat Club has their show in September. Red Barns Spectacular Show and Swap Meet is coming up in early Aug. I think it's the 3rd. Never been to Woodward. I'd like to make a pilgrimage there. If you haven't already joined, a great resource to keep up on our local events :)
Red Barns swap and show is this Saturday. Last night the cruise night had over 600 cars, I would guess. Last Wednesday the guy at the gate said he stopped counting at 628 because he was getting hungry and hadn't eaten yet. Last night there were more cars than the week before, based on where they were parked, so I would say over 600 is a fair estimate. Everything from impeccably restored 30's era antiques to new supercars. Lots of rods and muscle. Last night there was a Henry J there. First one of those I've seen there. A nice Gremlin X, too.