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All, it sounds like there is some pent up interest! I had my 1987 T-Type (I know, its not an official '87 Turbo T) for a spin today getting it ready for a winter nap....ran beautifully! I've owned this beast for 23 years.....Can we all meet at the Moose Preserve, or maybe to be more accommodating to the East Macomb group, at Felipa's on M-59 and Mound? Certainly, our great friends to the North are more than welcome!!! (i.e, Canada!!! Love the country and people....been there a tons and have some good mates there) Or there is Andimao's or Hogan's on Telegraph and 15 mile/Maple? I have the fire in me, and the time to devote, I will publish a monthly newsletter, collect dues, or do what it takes to run a club of Turbo Buick enthusiasts. I guess we should all get together, have an inaugural meeting, and chart a course! I am all in! Thanks, Craig
YES!!! We can do this. Felipa's is close to me :) But usually, you can find me hovering around where the action is - 14 and Woodward :) I love wrenching on Buicks, and restoration as well, but I love racing too. I've been trying to set up a monthly gig for years. Maybe it can happen this season.
C'mon guys. Lets go. At least lets get a, what we call an "alert roster" going, and start making phone calls. I'll build this group with 2 guys-me and someone else. From there, we'll both start collecting names and phone numbers, and build the roster.
Two of us on the east side.. if anyone wants to 'cross the boarder' let us know.. usually only takes a bit of notice.
All right! Sounds like a few of us want to get together, I am in for meeting monthly, say the last Saturday of each month? I am at soon!
Ok guys, I had the Macomb County and the Oakland County threads merged into this one, so we can all have visibility on what's going on, without having to check on three separate threads each time. So far, I have Kurt24, C.Baloga, WilliamsGN, Turbodetroit, 1987turboregal, TT/A 1233, and KingMoneyBanks that are interested meeting up and sortin' some shit out for the future. KingMoneyBanks has a few guys that he travels around with that he said may be interested as well, so hopefully they'll show up too. And for the other guys that are really close, there's TurboDave231, Full Throttle Steve, and of course Mike himself, though these three people are always extemely busy, so I'm not sure if they're interested or what have you. They're always invited though. Then there's the rest of the people-the people that are a little further out, like 2 or 3 hours away. If they want to show up, then of course the more the merrier.
Which is why I'd like to hammer out a yearly schedule, so that we won't need 17,000 phone calls/texts/emails/pm's to ask when, where, why, and who's showin' up. This way, when the schedule's hammered out, we'll circulate it, along with everyones phone numbers and emails, and that way you'll know where we'll be and at what time, for the entire year. There will be no ambiguity.
The proposition is that we have a monthly meeting, regardless of the weather or whatever's going on. When it's nice out, then we can always finish the meeting then go out cruising right after. During those warm weather meetings, we'll also make up more little meets throughout the month as well, when time/money permits. During the winter months, we can sort out our future plans, or figure out who's showing up to who's garage for installs and diagnosis parties and what have you. I'm wanting to form up this semi-formal group, to help solidify SE Michigan's turbo Buick presence and to help give support to those who need it, when their car's acting up. This won't be as formal as the old Michgan Buick Turbo Club with dues and officers, as that implies rank, and there's always some some shit that goes down when people disagree. We won't have those politics. Just a group of gear heads that happen to like Buicks, and want to hang out together.

So far, I'm free this Saturday. After that I'm booked for the next two Saturdays, then I'm free again. Who else can meet up this weekend?
Sounds good. I'm good for Saturday, say around 4pm? Somewhere along Woodward, between 13 and 16 mile road. You in WillamsGN? I know Kingmoneybanks is too.
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Sounds good, let us know where asap... trying to get another TR guy to come with me also.