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New to alky...have ???'s


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Signal 1 J-12
May 22, 2002
I recently picked up a TTA with an SMC alky kit already on it. Here are a few questions for y'all.

1. What lubricant is recommended to be put in the alky resevoir, and how much?
2. Should I run 100% denatured, or a water/alky mix?
3. When should I purge the lines?

So far I've been impressed with the kit. I can run 21 or so psi and 92 octane with 0 KR in 91* heat; that kicks butt! Since I'm still learning/playing with it, I've yet to find that "sweet" setting for my combo...more passes to come:)
I put a few squirts of WD-40 in the tank
I use 100% denatured-seems ok so far
Not sure about #3 :)
1. wd-40. i count to 4 while spraying.
2. 100% denatured. $8.97/gal @ ace hardware
3. not sure what you mean by purge, ive never done anything like that to mine and have had no probs. the instructions dont mention anything about it either.
Originally posted by turbov6joe
3. When should I purge the lines?
Well the other guys answered your other questions, so I'll try to help here. By "purging" do you mean release the pressure in the tank? That's all I can think of... and if that's the case, the tank isn't pressurized, there is a small pinhole in the cap. Does that help at all?:confused:
I hit the test button while driving down the road slowly every time I take the car out to make sure the pump is pumping and the lines are full. Should bog the car at low speed.

Nothing like boosting with no flow. :(