Same Freakin Problem I Have
Hello People
I have the same problem as "ajohn302" had, i bought the car after sitting for 8 years and has a miss and slight ticking sound from top of engine. I did all the plugs, wires, oils, filters to specs, still has the same problem, runs like crap, bought a scan master, i t shows no real problems, no errors ( i think), it struggles to drive.
I had someone check it, they changed the coil pack still did it, same missing on the 3 and 6 cylinder (dead cylinder). they put the tester device to the injector harness, it shows it firing to injectors, but who knows if enjectors are bad/clogged...right
Mechanic said to try changing the injectors first (they have 60lbs in them), if its not that then he thinks it can be the cam is bad, and might need a refresh.
what do you guys think.
the previous owner changed the tank, i put new fresh gas in it..
I really need some good advice, i dont want to do a refresh if i dont have it..especially in this econy...jeez