The tires weigh approximately 28 pounds each and according to UPS it will cost approximately $20.11 to ship each tire. FedEx looks to be cheaper at $14.25 per tire, see the FedEx rate quote below.
Let me know what you want to do, I have attepted to attach some pictures of the tire, again the wheels shown in the pictures are not part of the sale, although I would be willing to sell the entire set if the price is right. I have four (4) 15" x 8.5" w/ 4" backspacing and two (2) 15" x 7" wheels. The center caps and lug nuts would be included in the sale.
If you are inteested in purchasing them, I'd like to be paid via a cashiers check of Pay Pal. If paying by Pay Pal, please add 3% or $6.00 to the $200 selling price to cover the Pay Pal fees.
James West
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Ship From / To Omaha, 68116, U.S.A. > Hattiesburg, 39401, U.S.A. on August 30, 2006. Edit
Package information 1 package 28.0 lbs Your Packaging 26 x 26 x 11 inches
Value = $100 USD
Delivery Date/Time Service Rate (US$)
End of day (2 Business Days) FedEx Home Delivery® $14.25
TARZAN said:
How much shipped to 39401?