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No Turn Signals .. and Plug Question


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Oct 1, 2015
Ok so i have an 85 T Type still factory harness and everything. I was putting the car back together and when i went to test my signals i got nothing, but a faint blink of all my light when i hit right or left, but no indicator on the flashed and i hear the flasher relay very faintly. So weird findings if i hit the Hazard button all my lights blink as they should full blast, but it i press my brake pedal all my light come on front and rear (with the excpetion of my revers lights).

What I have done so far:
I checked and replaced every bulb,
i have checked all fuses and replaced them
i have replaced the relay for the Hazard and flasher
i checked the trunk ground for the taillight harness and both fender grounds
i have check all my grounds under the dash and they are all good
i dropped my glovebox removed the radio and the under the steering column to check for unplugged wires and then i came up with the plug in the pic

the black plug i can't seem to find a home for, can anyone tell me what this is for everything i could find was plugged in but this?
it has brown orange and black wires on it all femaie ?

Help me someone please


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Sounds like a problem with the turn signal switch.
For giggles check to be sure there is not a single filament bulb in a brake light socket.
Sounds like a problem with the turn signal switch.
For giggles check to be sure there is not a single filament bulb in a brake light socket.

Thanks sooooo much I realized last night looking through the schematics and wiring and realzied the plug goes to the turn signal switch and its the plug for the front two corner bulbs. the circut is not complete since this plug is not in so im hoping once i get back the car this will fix my issse