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Noble Buick vs. Ford Shootout DVD


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Dec 30, 2001
I just got done with the editing on the DVD. I will post a video or two to show what it looks like. It includes all of the races of the acutal shootout, except the very last pairing. The driver name, ET, and speed all show up on the screen so it is easy to read no matter the background. I will set up a paypal account hopefully tomorrow if people are still interested. The cost will be 15 bucks shipped.
Update. I was showing the video this weekend at our Buick club meeting and found a couple little bugs I have to fix. I've had finals so I haven't fixed it yet, I will hopefully get it done tomorrow. I'm waiting on my paypal account to be verified right now. If you want to send me a check you can send it to
Rob Thomas
412 NW 29th
OKC, OK 73103

I also still have some copies of last years shootout if anyone is wanting those I'll throw them in for 5 bucks. Hopefully paypal will be verified tomorrow and I'll post it. At the latest the DVD's will be ready to ship saturday. I just want to make sure they work before I ship them out and get people mad.

The Oklahoma club members that saw it thought it looked good. Hopefully i can figure out how to do screen shots so I can put them on here so you can see. I'll let you guys know more tommorrow. Thanks for your patience guys.


Rob, I would like both (video's or dvd's )?? please let me know by e-mail where to send the money to and the total price. Thank you, Scot w.
The video is approximately 50 minutes long, I think its exactly 48 min 22 seconds give or take two minutes.

My paypal address is Like I said it is 15 bucks shipped for 2005 or 20bucks for 2004 and 2005. The address is listed above in the thread.

I loaded one race at

It should be the file named sample. Send me a private message if you send me payment so I can get it packaged up. Thanks guys.