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Ok cool this sounds like a good product for me but I have 1 more question.
Will this still be ok if I have a little bit of rust on the frame and such. It's not bad , mostly just bolts. Thanks for explaining and taking the time.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

It will be fine going on top of rust, it will still do it's job, sealing the rust away from moisture and prevent it from spreading as easily. Just coat those areas heavier.
I do feel bad for you.....a lot.....dealers suck......back in '75, I was working as a mechanic at Stolhman Oldsmobile during the night shift .....6 to 3am, then 8 to 5pm at an engineering firm.......younger, but still a bitch of a schedule.....

I got a bad staph infection on my lower put me in the hospital for over one week....while I was there, the service manger there, BILL BAKER, stole my complete tool set! I found out who did it one year later when my so called "friend" who worked there also, told me Baker was bragging about it! Baker told my friend that he needed a tool set for his boat!!! And laughed about it!!!! Baker was a guy who owned his own house, had three cars, three Mac Tool chests there, and a speedboat (I had been out with him one weekend on it) And he owned his own Cessna 172 airplane.

I tried to set an example by returning any tools left in my bay by the day shift.....I turned them in to Baker....some of those tools were very, very expensive Snap-Ons......I can now guess what Baker did with them.

In my tool chest, three chests high, filled with tools, including four new Snap-on air ratchets, air impacts, two Snap-on torque wrenches that I had just bought with payments from the Snap-on guy who came there once a week.

When came back from the hospital, found my tool chest missing, I went to Stohlman himself....know what that BASTARD told me? "I heard about the theft, but since it was an "in house" theft, our insurance will not cover your'll either have to go out and get a new set of tools or resign." Real nice of him.

I had to quit......I couldn't afford TWO tool chest payments. The one stolen by BAKER was the shop machinist's chests....wrinkle brown finish, tons of drawers....I had always wanted a chest set like that from the days I worked in a manufacturing plant and saw all the home made wooden chests made by those guys....all old, but beautiful....mine was the closest I could get to.

That's why I hate dealers.......there are no honest ones out there, all want your money and treat you like you were born on the stupidest person on earth......I NEVER frequent them.

Years later, I went back to Stolhman Olds just to see a restored '66 Corvette sitting in the showroom....I had pulled up in my own '66 red Vette, so some of the salesman came out to ooogle! They then showed me around the '66 on the floor....I offhandedly mentioned to them that a guy who works there named Bill Baker had stolen my complete tool set when I was working there...........immediately they ran to the back of the showroom....disappeared in a flash. Never saw them again.

Go figure......I counted this experience as a big, big lesson in life and made a declaration to NEVER, EVER leave my tool chest anywhere but with me....I've kept that promise to this day....both sets of chests are with me, well protected.

If Bill Baker ever reads this, he knows what I think of him....getting even would not solve a thing. I know where he lives.....going there to beat the shit out of him was so hard to would not have proved a thing.........and yes, all my tools were engraved with my name on them......the police said I did not have probable cause to search his four car garage on his property.

My friend, who told me who stole them, WOULD NOT testify in court when I asked him to as a witness.....his excuse was YOU THINK I WANT TO LOSE MY JOB?????

I refused to have anything to do with him that very day....permanently.

Story over. Sorry for your loss and dealership happens to all of us. Live and learn. Sometimes life will really bite hard. It did me.....took me well over 30 years to build up my tool sets again....long, long time.

Bruce '87 Grand National
I do feel bad for you.....a lot.....dealers suck......back in '75, I was working as a mechanic at Stolhman Oldsmobile during the night shift .....6 to 3am, then 8 to 5pm at an engineering firm.......younger, but still a bitch of a schedule.....

I got a bad staph infection on my lower put me in the hospital for over one week....while I was there, the service manger there, BILL BAKER, stole my complete tool set! I found out who did it one year later when my so called "friend" who worked there also, told me Baker was bragging about it! Baker told my friend that he needed a tool set for his boat!!! And laughed about it!!!! Baker was a guy who owned his own house, had three cars, three Mac Tool chests there, and a speedboat (I had been out with him one weekend on it) And he owned his own Cessna 172 airplane.

I tried to set an example by returning any tools left in my bay by the day shift.....I turned them in to Baker....some of those tools were very, very expensive Snap-Ons......I can now guess what Baker did with them.

In my tool chest, three chests high, filled with tools, including four new Snap-on air ratchets, air impacts, two Snap-on torque wrenches that I had just bought with payments from the Snap-on guy who came there once a week.

When came back from the hospital, found my tool chest missing, I went to Stohlman himself....know what that BASTARD told me? "I heard about the theft, but since it was an "in house" theft, our insurance will not cover your'll either have to go out and get a new set of tools or resign." Real nice of him.

I had to quit......I couldn't afford TWO tool chest payments. The one stolen by BAKER was the shop machinist's chests....wrinkle brown finish, tons of drawers....I had always wanted a chest set like that from the days I worked in a manufacturing plant and saw all the home made wooden chests made by those guys....all old, but beautiful....mine was the closest I could get to.

That's why I hate dealers.......there are no honest ones out there, all want your money and treat you like you were born on the stupidest person on earth......I NEVER frequent them.

Years later, I went back to Stolhman Olds just to see a restored '66 Corvette sitting in the showroom....I had pulled up in my own '66 red Vette, so some of the salesman came out to ooogle! They then showed me around the '66 on the floor....I offhandedly mentioned to them that a guy who works there named Bill Baker had stolen my complete tool set when I was working there...........immediately they ran to the back of the showroom....disappeared in a flash. Never saw them again.

Go figure......I counted this experience as a big, big lesson in life and made a declaration to NEVER, EVER leave my tool chest anywhere but with me....I've kept that promise to this day....both sets of chests are with me, well protected.

If Bill Baker ever reads this, he knows what I think of him....getting even would not solve a thing. I know where he lives.....going there to beat the shit out of him was so hard to would not have proved a thing.........and yes, all my tools were engraved with my name on them......the police said I did not have probable cause to search his four car garage on his property.

My friend, who told me who stole them, WOULD NOT testify in court when I asked him to as a witness.....his excuse was YOU THINK I WANT TO LOSE MY JOB?????

I refused to have anything to do with him that very day....permanently.

Story over. Sorry for your loss and dealership happens to all of us. Live and learn. Sometimes life will really bite hard. It did me.....took me well over 30 years to build up my tool sets again....long, long time.

Bruce '87 Grand National

Damn, that's worse than what happened to me, sorry you went through that, I can't imagine what I would do if my tools got stolen from work and they wouldn't do anything about it. I have actually inquired as to what would happen if there were a break-in and everything was taken, and never got a clear cut answer.
Thanks. That event still stings to this got your answer clear as a bell with the "never got a clear cut answer." That tells you all you need to know.

I hope it NEVER happens to you.....the theft of a working man's tools is about the lowest one can do.

Bruce '87 Grand National
My company tends to be pretty stand-up. They try to make everything right normally. Just hope it never happens, and if it does at least I have pics to prove value.

Most people who don't wrench find it hard to believe when you say you have easily $15-20k in tools. Normally they say you could have spent less at harbor freight, which just causes a shake of the head and a walking away.

So, going back to the issue with my truck. Apparently the cam tower is only available with the head. I guess they are machined as a matched set. Have not confirmed, however I can find the cam tower in a pic, but no part number, only the number for cyl head assembly...

Contacting a dealer online to confirm. Will add more cost to their eph up to be included in whatever they decide to do to "make it right".
Well, still battling on with this issue.

Got a price on a new truck, wasn't good enough. Sales dept said they can't take a hit due to service... Money from one pocket vs the other pocket in the same pair of pants.

Had to get GM/owner of the dealership involved. He wears the pants.

New truck @ invoice, order whatever I want.
Decent trade, more than other places. More than blackbook. Extra $1k off invoice to make the point that they screwed up and it would cost them one way or the other. They will make it up when they sell my truck.

Truck ordered, then get a call from the salesman wanting me to take a truck they can trade for from 250-300 miles away, and from a state that uses front plates, so would already have front plate holes added to fascia with that dealers plate from the lot... Nope. He didn't understand I want a new truck. If I bought it, drove 300 miles in one day, went back the next day they would be more than happy to knock off $3-5k in value.

Not sure when the actual ordered truck will be here. Just a wait game I guess.

What a pain in the ass.
They probably hadn't ordered it thinking you would take the trade truck. They had the best phone sales guy call you and he dropped the ball. No bonus for him this month.
Keep their feet to the fire. They deserve it.
They probably hadn't ordered it thinking you would take the trade truck. They had the best phone sales guy call you and he dropped the ball. No bonus for him this month.
Keep their feet to the fire. They deserve it.
I think he was just trying to meet his numbers for the month. It is the same salesman they first had me deal with when I said no, and the same salesman I dealt with on round two.

Not really sure what he was thinking.

I planned on calling there today to see what the status was, but efi/tech service school ran way longer than expected. Will call there tomorrow.

The way I see it is that my truck is paid for. Everything is in writing as far as trade, extra $1k off invoice pricing. Till it comes in I am driving my truck, and they can't knock off any value due to any errors on their end as far as timeline.

Definitely not backing down though for sure. I think I made that apparent when I called the GM directly on his cell, after the Facebook message didn't hail any response.

Turns out they caused a mileage discrepancy for my Vin, at that point I had enough. Explained they not only broke cam housings, but also caused a devaluing of my vehicle, and a pain in the ass to sell down the road. Not likely that most people would believe a dealer goofed up on mileage 3-4 times over a 3 year span.

I post on a board for the truck and had made mention that the longer I keep it, the more stuff I could remove/unmod. There is a possibility that they caught wind of that maybe, but I really don't care. So I am just not posting anything there about it till it's a done deal.
So, after 3 months of stress which I didn't need, along with a salesman trying to do a dealer trade on a truck in another state... 300 miles away, with front plate mounted as stated earlier, the new truck is FINALLY at the dealership. Should get it Monday.

Salesman even went as far as saying that the trade truck will cut a week or two off the "ordered" one, which in actuality was never ordered. They didn't have an allocation for a Platinum version. Finally figured that out as no one would trade for a base model. Had to get the regional sales rep involved, then things sped up and progressed.

Figured it would give an update.

Now I need to decide if I want to be that guy that even keeps the floor mats or not hahaha.