If you know about your may/june schedule, start posting what weekends are out for you - july & aug if you know those too. 2002 would be the 3rd (or maybe fourth) summer for Vista Point picnics (at Jordan Lake) I should break out all of my calendars and figure out my USNR weekends at the least. Hang on...
USNR weekends for me:
May 18/19
June 8/9
July 20/21
Aug 10/11
Sep 14/15
But these sometimes change, sometimes I reschedule, sometimes the Navy reschedules, and I really haven't given too much thought to my summer yet, except that I might get busy with a job change...
All I know for now is that I'm crossing my fingers that I make a few passes this weekend at Rockingham & drive home in the same car I drive down in.
If you know about your may/june schedule, start posting what weekends are out for you - july & aug if you know those too. 2002 would be the 3rd (or maybe fourth) summer for Vista Point picnics (at Jordan Lake) I should break out all of my calendars and figure out my USNR weekends at the least. Hang on...
USNR weekends for me:
May 18/19
June 8/9
July 20/21
Aug 10/11
Sep 14/15
But these sometimes change, sometimes I reschedule, sometimes the Navy reschedules, and I really haven't given too much thought to my summer yet, except that I might get busy with a job change...
All I know for now is that I'm crossing my fingers that I make a few passes this weekend at Rockingham & drive home in the same car I drive down in.