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NOS vs Alcy kit


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I dont know anything!
Jun 14, 2002
Yeah... wich one is the best to install ?

Nos is much dangerous, have I right ?
Alcy is not so effective as Nos ?

Ok as I thought then. I dont want to blow headgaskets...

Nice page you have about your TTA.

Originally posted by stevemon
Here's the reason I chose Alky;
With Alky you just drive the car and the steam effect of injecting it cleans your pistons and cylinder heads.
With NOS you clean your pistons & cylinder heads yourself when you take them out after blowing the headgaskets. :rolleyes:

LOL Steve.........You have that figured out exactly right. ;)
With a primarily street driven car nothing is gonna get you the bang for the buck as alky. Nitrous is sweet as a crutch for an NA car. People here running nitrous like it because you don't have to worry about that damn turbo lag. But alky is so the way to go. 20+ psi on pump gas all day, and don't worry about anything until the low alky light comes on. It's always there, waiting just 'til you need it. Go alky with a turbo car, it's the same price and way better bang for the buck IMHO.

I have buyers remorse because of alky though, I'm PO'd I didn't buy it the day I got the car :p
Both!! I am running the smc alky kit now, and hooking up my nitrous kit this weekend if all goes well:)
Originally posted by striker_29
Both!! I am running the smc alky kit now, and hooking up my nitrous kit this weekend if all goes well:)

Please email me or post what your gains are with this setup. Im actually going to be doing the samething on my car. Will you be spraying both alky and n2o or just the n2o?
Originally posted by striker_29
Both!! I am running the smc alky kit now, and hooking up my nitrous kit this weekend if all goes well:)

Striker, please give us the details once you get the bugs worked out. How much boost, how big a shot of nitrous.....all that stuff! I have been thinking about that setup as well.
Sorry I havent had a chance to hook up the nitrous yet guys. Had to have a new rear end installed, now one of my Poston headers is leaking. I have an Nx gm efi kit, gonna run a 75 shot with c16 at the track, and alky/ 93 on the street. With a nitrous chip of course. I have a buddy here doing it in his car (el camino conversion) with good results. Soon I hope guys...Mark