I went throught this for 2 weeks, changed out the coil pack, new battery, and so on. Here the problem was the starter. it was a rebuilt starter, hi torque, it cranked it over fine, after the engine got warm or hot, went to restart and nothing, no click, not a thing. Bought a new remanufactured starter for 50 bucks and have not had a problem since. I checked all my grounds, I was tracing fuses, basically going crazy, and it was the dam starter!
I went throught this for 2 weeks, changed out the coil pack, new battery, and so on. Here the problem was the starter. it was a rebuilt starter, hi torque, it cranked it over fine, after the engine got warm or hot, went to restart and nothing, no click, not a thing. Bought a new remanufactured starter for 50 bucks and have not had a problem since. I checked all my grounds, I was tracing fuses, basically going crazy, and it was the dam starter!