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not my gn, my street beater


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May 4, 2005
Got a problem with my daily driver. Its a 90 grand am with no abs. The master has a 4 line distribution block. I replaced the right front brake hose because it was cracked. I DID replace both copper washers. I bled it out and the brakes felt a little spongy and not too strong. Took it back home and bled all four out. started rr, lr , rf, Lf like ur supposed to do. No matter what I do I have a bunch of air come out the RR, a little fluid, spits air, and more fluid. and no air come out the rest of them. Pedel is all the way to the floor. Bad wheel cylinder on RR? CHecked wheel cylinders, all lines no leaks. Looks like the cap my have a little seeping but thats it. ANy suggestions?

First you need to isolate the problem. You have a cross diag. system, with four seprate brake hoses. Place a clamp on all four hoses and check pedal. If it feels high and Hard, then everything above the hoses are good, ie master, steel lines. start in rr and remove only this clamp check again, high hard, (HH) good, now go to the lr take off clamp, HH? Continue until pedal drops this will isolate a problem at the wheels. If pedal goes to the floor with all clamped then check lines for cracks, and make sure master is good.

ok, u say I have a cross-system. DO i need to do what chazmat says and go diagonal with the bleeding? If this is the problem it makes sense and I'll try it. by the way no visual leaks anywhere. with ignition off pedal goes way down then feels normal, itdoesn't pump up, running or not.
Chaz is correct

You can try that, it is the correct manner to bleed a cross system. However, you may still want to try the line locks, as this will give you a direction to follow.
It was indeed a cross-bleem system. also had to wait fifteen seconds in between bleeds and push pedel once. Learn something new every day. THanks guys!
When you bleed brakes you must take your time, can't be in a hurry! You don't want to make more air bubbles by pumping the pedal more than once, or fast movement! Slow & steady works every time