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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2004
Washing and waxing cars all day, saved the "T" for last. Finished it at 7:30 and figured I'd take it for a blast before garaging her. Two guys in an Acura RL or TL watch me go by as they pull out of a small strip mall and come flying up behind me on the two lane out of town. About a mile to go to get to the last red light at the state trooper office and then it is miles of open, straight, two lane with no cross streets or driveways to worry about. However, I have seen many wild hogs through this stretch so I'm hoping a big sow and her litter stay off the road.

The light in front of the trooper office is red with no one in front of me and they pull up close pointing and signaling me to gas on it when it goes green. I ease up to 45 (the speed limit) for another 3/4 mile until it becomes 60 with the Acura right behind.

I wait for them to pull out to pass still doing 45 letting them have the advantage of momentum and then gas on it. I timed it perfect, the turbo lag let them get even, door to door and the passenger is looking over at me like "you ain't got nothing man" then I go to 25# and pull away like their in reverse. I have a clear road with no driveways or cross streets and straight as an arrow so I stay in it until it pulls overdrive and I'm doing 140+ with the Acura light years behind so I let off.

He flashes his headlights so I slow down to 65 and he still is catching up. But I can see he is going to do a ricer flyby and I'm thinking I still have 2 miles before the split and damn if he is going to tell his buddies he blew off my T.
I ease into the gas again but let him come around me until he is at my door and again passing slowly. We are at around a 90-95 and I push the pedal to the floor and walk him again like he is in reverse, the T is screaming and pulling like an F-18.

We are coming up to the split, I let off and slow to 60, they come up behind again. I get in the left lane to go west while they take the east bound right lane and pull up next to me. The driver is 20 something and gives me this big grin and a thumbs up before we separate.

Nice kill...thanks for putting a smile on my face....regards