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now my car wont start


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pimp romeo
May 31, 2001
Hey guys, quick question. Last night i charged the battery on my car, started it up and drove it around the block. Now today, started it again and gave it an oil change. So while i was under the car, I looked at my fuel wires at the back end and unplugged it. (for no apparant reason). Now when I plugged it back in and tried to start the car, it wouldnt turn over. All I got were clicking sounds:confused: Any ideas?
Not exactly sure why my battery was dead. I had the car parked for a couple years and when I last parked it, the Volts light was on. Now yesterday when I drove the car, the Volts light was on again. Not sure if its the Alternator or not. Im just a little frustrated because at 10am today, the car started no problem. Then I did an oil change and unplugged the fuel pump wires at the back (plugged them in again right away), and now it wont start. The battery appears to be dead again so I have the charger hooked up to it, but it still doesnt really explain why it was only "clicking" and not turning over a couple hours ago.
Battery cable or serious drain

Make sure pos and negative battery cables are secure. Not superman tight just snug. Next check the big wire connection on the starter. Possibly the nut backed off there leaving you with a flaky connection.

An alternator with an internal short can drain a battery down in a couple of hours. Have the new battery checked out and charged back up if it's low. Then put the battery back on the car. Hook up the cables watching for a bigger than normal arc while hooking the cables up. If there is an arc you got a good size draw somewhere. Leave the battery hooked up, and with the motor cold, not ran in s while put your hand on the alternator. If it is hot the alternator has an internal short and must be replaced.

Let us know what you find.

Jerry jr.
If the volts light was on chances are its prolly your alternator..The reason you got clicking earlier after you drove it is because while you were driving you you killed your already marginal battery...Cars in general require very little voltage to keep running..If you ever had an alternator go out while driving the radio will cut off before the engine quits...It takes much more voltage to actually start the car than to keep it in your case you started it drove it running on ther battery unknowingly killed it once you cut it off there wasnt enough juice left to start it again which is y you only got clicking...My experience also has been once you drain a lead acid battery dead its never the same,,So you may end up replacing the alternator as well as your battery....
alright, so Ive been charging the battery while its still attached to the car. I went to feel the alternator and it did fell somewhat warm on the inside of it (the side that faces the engine). If I do have somewhere thats pulling power from the battery (due to the Volts light) are there any common places to look for?
Remove the positive battery cable and hook a test light between the positive cable and the positive battery post if it lights up you have a draw. Pull the radio fuse cause theres always a draw there it should be slight (light will be dim) after that keep pullin fuses till the light turns off when you find the fuse that turns it off theres your bad circuit... But before you do all that id pull the alternator and take it to your losal autozone and have it tested......its free...
Ok so now....

Unhook the positive terminal at battery. Then unhook red cable at the back of the alternator. Place it so it will not touch anything metal to ground out with. Now reinstall the red battery terminal and recheck for warmth in an hour. There shouldn't be any. But compare it to the warmth felt while the cable was still hooked up.

Jerry jr.
well i just pulled my alternator out and am about to head to Part Source to get it tested. anyways, the fuse wire that plugs directly into the bottom of the alternator looks extremely corroded and maybe filled with mud or grease? Anyways, where does that plug connect to from the alternator?
alrighty, so i just got back from Part Source who tested my alternator and they confirmed that it is in fact toast. So hopefully once I install it, my problem will be fixed. BTW, do you guys have any idea about that dirty looking fuse that connects into the bottom of the alternator? Should it be replace and if so, how? Thanks
Autozone handles it...

Are you talking about the 2 wire connector? On my car one side of the 2 wire connector goes to the main battery wire on the back of the alternator. The other wire comes in from the inside of the car. Ideally you should solder the new wire connector to the old wires. I would guess the grease is actually factory applied dielectric grease that has gotten very hot due to its proximity to the uppipe.

By the way charge your battery up before you install the new alternator, so the alternator will not go full tilt as soon as the car starts. Could burn up the new alternator.

Jerry jr.
hey guys quick question here. Ive got the new alternator now just heading out to get a new battery. This might sound dumb, but where do I aligne the belt for the alternator? Im assuming just straight down the middle on to the centre pullys below? Thanks
I'm away from my car right now. I'll check in a while when I get back.

Jerry jr.
I have the same battery drain on my Buick, (i have not tested the alternator) I pulled the postive off the battery post while the car was running and the alternator kept the car running until I turned the headlights on to kill it...Could the alternator still be bad?
I have the same battery drain on my Buick, (i have not tested the alternator) I pulled the postive off the battery post while the car was running and the alternator kept the car running until I turned the headlights on to kill it...Could the alternator still be bad?

No, but you might have screwed up the puter and alternator. Never disconnect the battery cable if the car is running! This is just like a lightning strike on your house to your puter!:mad: Take the alternator off and have it bench tested as well as the bettery.