Hmm, I still have my stock pump laying around but don't remember anything specifically thats different other than if the original "resonator" thingy is still in between the pump outlet and the metal fuel line, then thats a pretty good indication that its the original, usually when an after market pump is put in, the resonator (or whatever its called) is replaced with just a piece of rubber fuel line. Also, the end of the metal fuel line is necked down to go into the resonator, usually this "necked down" part is cut off in order to remove that restriction and get the full use of the diameter of the fuel line.
Also, if there's a load of crap in the fuel sock, that will tell you its been a long time since its was changed.
Removing the tank isn't that hard of a thing to do, use a floor jack and a piece of plywood and its fairly easy for one person to do. Without a jack, then 2 people are needed for removal and install. Be careful not to let any sand/dirt fall into the tank during removal of the lock ring holding the pump assembly.
Since you don't know what in there, replacing with a good Walbro 340 and new sock for about $125 would be good peace of mind. And add a HotWire kit during the process, Casper Electronics has a nice plug and play kit, very easy to install Its $60, or you can make your own if you're electronically inclined for about $10 with parts from Radio shack, but the Caspers unit is very nice and factory looking.
If you don't have a HW kit on there is probably another good indicator that its stock. Fuel system upgrade should be the first thing anyone does before modding a TR, especially with that turbo you have.
I'm also assuming that your chip is properly programmed for the Green stripes, could cause a lean condition if your chip was for bigber injectors. If the chip wasn;t programmmed for those injectors it would be lean all of the time. If only lean at WOT, then the fueling system is suspect given that your fp w/line off is around the 43-45# area.