

New Member
Feb 2, 2005
Hey everyone I am new to this board and have found some very good info on it.
Now to my question
Will the odometer on an 87 Gn register 130,000 miles or will it show 30,000 on it.
I have found one for sale at a dealership and they say it shows 30,000 miles but they figure it is 130,000. Car is a bout 150 miles from me so haven't had a chance to look at it yet.
Thanks for the info
Thanks John. I've never owned a Gn but am seriously looking, not interested in one with that many miles and didn't want to make the trip if it was 130,000 on it.
You might be surprised. My first Regal had about 190,000 on it when I bought it but it looked better than a lot of sub 100k cars I've seen. It's all about who owned it and how they took care of it.

I say, if the price is right, make a day trip out of it and check it out.

Also, a carfax might tell you about the 6th digit on the odo.
They are asking $11,900.00 for it. Isn't that a little high for a car with 130,000 miles?
What do you think?
Sent you a PM 70bee.BUY MY CAR!!:D

Where in AL and what dealership,id just like to take a look at the car.
You'd think my car has 105k miles on it, but its actually 205k. Well, ok, it may look like its 205k ;)