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off-topic: looking for neurologist in Dallas


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Oct 31, 2003
can anyone recommend a neurologist in the Dallas area? preferrably one who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of migraine headaches. My wife has suffered with migraines for several years but they have recently gotten much worse.

sorry for the off-topic post.

My wife has migraines. For years they treated her for sinus infections which she really didn't have. She went to a different doctor that diagnosed migraines and they had her try a beta blocker which started to work but she also has GERT and those meds bothered her. Now she's on Depokote (a seizure med) and getting decent relief with that. He father gets cluster migraines. Her daughter has epilepsy and migraines so it's all kind of in the family. Good luck for her. Those headaches can be wicked.
Called in for a fovor to get the number;
Pedro Nosnik 972-985-9048

Good luck!
My wife has migraines. For years they treated her for sinus infections which she really didn't have. She went to a different doctor that diagnosed migraines and they had her try a beta blocker which started to work but she also has GERT and those meds bothered her. Now she's on Depokote (a seizure med) and getting decent relief with that. He father gets cluster migraines. Her daughter has epilepsy and migraines so it's all kind of in the family. Good luck for her. Those headaches can be wicked.

sounds like you can understand. she's had these since she was about 14 (she's 35 now) but they started getting much worse after our son was born 6 years ago. She's been to two different neurologists in the Dallas area and tried a long list of meds, but she's experienced the "worst case" side-effects from just about everything that has given her any headache relief. The worst was Keppra, which is also an anti-seizure med. The Keppra seemed to work on her headaches however, she experienced a text-book case of "Kep-rage" where she turned into an angry monster - it was bad. Like I said, seems like any med. that has worked on the headaches has had wicked side-effects (the Keppra almost led to a divorce). I've been to a few appointments with her and I get the impression her current neurologist has pretty much given up and is now just throwing meds at her without any thought of the consequences. This time, he has prescribed Depakote, but I have convinced her to hold off on starting that stuff because I've heard so much bad stuff about it. One of my co-workers is also a migraine sufferer and was on Depakote for about 2 years until he finally attempted suicide (severe depression is a documented side-effect). My wife's track record with side-effects is not good so I'm anticipating the worst with the Depakote. You could make the argument that she should at least *try* it and see what happens, but after our experience with Keppra, I dont' want her taking *anything* that has "severe depression" and "rage" as documented possible side effects. The worst part about those kind of side effects is, the person taking the meds is completely unaware of how their personality has changed. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

She's desperate as the headaches are increasingly frequent and making it difficult to function much less enjoy life.

For the moment I've convinced her to hold off on the Depakote and try another neurologist, but she has put it on me to find another neurologist so I decided to post here looking for help.

Thanks for your reply. I hope your wife continues to keep hers under control.

I could right a book in side effects of meds for my stepdaughter and my wife. All central nervous system depressants are strong drugs that you need to watch out for but when you get the right one in the right dose they can really help. Hope they can find that for your wife.
I've been to a few appointments with her and I get the impression her current neurologist has pretty much given up and is now just throwing meds at her without any thought of the consequences.

Almost sounds like what my Mom is going through. They keep playing with her meds and she might feel fine for a day at most. I'm trying to convince her to just take her MRIs to a neurosurgeon instead. My boss at work went the neurologist route with his wife for 4 years and out of 6 different doctors none could figure out what was wrong with her. Someone suggested to see a neurosurgeon and after he got one to look at the MRIs for a few seconds the guy immediately spotted a small tumor. She was in surgery 3 days later.
Almost sounds like what my Mom is going through. They keep playing with her meds and she might feel fine for a day at most. I'm trying to convince her to just take her MRIs to a neurosurgeon instead. My boss at work went the neurologist route with his wife for 4 years and out of 6 different doctors none could figure out what was wrong with her. Someone suggested to see a neurosurgeon and after he got one to look at the MRIs for a few seconds the guy immediately spotted a small tumor. She was in surgery 3 days later.

that's scary stuff. My wife had an MRI about a year ago and it was supposedly clear. In the back of my mind, I sometimes wonder if they missed something. She has had this type of headache for roughtly 20 years, but they have become more frequent the last few years. They seem to be triggered primarily by stress, but they are not just simple "tension" headaches. They are the text book "cluster migraines", she gets the visual auras, etc.