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ok guys just ordered the dual nozzle setup


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Boost is good.
Jul 14, 2001
i just ordered the dual nozzle alky kit from smc and can't wait to get this thing...i was told to get the dual setup because of my i have a couple questions...i have never used alcohol before and i still don't understand exactly how it works...i know it allows me to run higher boost levels on pump gas...

how much boost is possible on my te-44 turbo with my 22 degree timing chip? i was wanting to run at least 23 lbs...maybe 25 it the more alcohol i spray the more boost i can run? i know i gotta watch knock...just curious as to how high i can turn up the wick on this baby...i don't even want to be touched on the street:D

also what kind of alcohol is THE BEST to run? i heard denatured at some kind of mix is...wouldn't straight 100% denatured be the best? i can get this stuff easily at work at a discount so i am not worried about cost...if not 100% am i supposed to mix water with it? i also ordered the lube for whatever purpose it serves...

also with this it setup where one nozzle sprays at say 15 psi and the other sprays later at like 20 psi? or do they spray at the same time...i also ordered the 1 gallon tank because i know damn well i will be going through alky like water :)
The "Best" alcohol? They all work, it's just how easy it is going down. I personally like a nice hard shot of tequila or Jack-n-Coke to do the job, but some people would rather drink larger quantities of beer.

What'd the SMC kit cost you? What was the ETA? Let me know if whiskey works in about a happy GN.
yes you will like it. ive gone thru quite a bit so far. i use 100% denatured plus a few sprays of WD-40 as pump lube. i only got a big single nozzle kit so i am not too familiar with the dual kits. i believe the idea as Steve explained it was like it was for the better atomization of small nozzles but with the flow of a large nozzle. when i got mine tuned at a friends house it was like 21 lbs and 20* timing and little/no KR and it seemed fast. now that i fixed a couple vacuum leaks it got richer and i got to fix some stuff. it will flash to 25 psi in 1st which i think is due to stock WG hole size and stock DP/elbow. basically it adds octane and cools the air. like mixing xylene with gas, just now you are injecting the octane additive in the air stream. 23 psi should be easy. 25 psi may be a bit tougher but who knows. steve runs 29* timing and 23 psi from a te-44 and bluetops and a THDP but hes got a FM. its still good for 11.66 @ 115 according to the SMC installation sheet. more alky should equal more boost to an extent. obviously like anything it has its limits. you dont see guys running 40 psi with 93 octane and alky, they run straight race gas or some other type of fuel i guess. the guy who tuned my car (BM Computer Source aka Bob) said that he had tried a 50/50 denatured/water mix and it bogged too much and straight denatured was best. steve says go with straight denatured so thats what i run. john aka red regal T now runs a methanol/water mix and 24-25 psi with his homemade kit using a shur-flo pump. i dont think the SMC pump has the internals made to handle the corrosive methanol. steve said a 3-5 second blast of WD-40 should be fine but his lube he sells they found to mix better with the denatured. i cant speak for when the alky sprays as i have never used a dual kit but from what i can remember i think they spray at the same time giving the flow of one large nozzle with small nozzle atomization. people talk about the car bogging but i got mine setup to come on somewhere between 13-15 psi and i feel no bog. i know that before the alky the car was pretty quick but after it would sort of go (spool up) but when it passed 15 psi the tires would fry and it wouldnt hook till somewhere in 2nd gear. i remember seeing a guy that hooked up a NOS solenoid so the 2nd alky stage would come on at a certain psi. cant remember who it was tho.
yeah that was huge...thanks...

ok so i know now to run 100% denatured...i ordered the lube from steve so i will have that...

cool sounds like 23-25 psi shouldn't be a problem...i have had this turbo for almost a year and have yet to go over 20 lbs...and the sweet spot on it is like 22-23 psi! that is crazy...i can't wait to get this thing...
Don let me know when you get the kit and put it in. Hopefully you will have it in time for the May 10th Spring Fling. Bill and I will go over the whole thing with ya in Chelsea. You can look at our systems (mine is totally different) and we will have it dialed in by the end of the day for sure:cool:

At 22* of timing you should be able to run a pretty decent amount of boost. Start at 20psi to be safe, then crank it up in 1# increments.

How long did Steve say it would take to get the kit to you?
Doesn't that denatured cost $8 to $10 a gallon. I'd go broke if I had to use that sh*t. After all, I'm not rich! :p
Gees you remind me of my Dad. He's retired, he gets social security, pension, and his insurance, house, and car all paid for, and he spends his days haunting the dollar stores for good deals! :)

Come on John, treat yournself, and your pump to some nice denatured. You prolly won't slow down, and maybe that pump will last another 3 years.

Throw some money away, and devil be dammed! Have a couple shots if Jim Beam on me! Get a woman for the night, break a few local ordinances, and wake up with a killer headache!

One sign you are getting old is staying in the same rut. Get crazy for a weekend. If you have forgotten how, I'm sure somebody on the board would be happy remind you what it's like to have fun..;)
Originally posted by blackbuick87
Don let me know when you get the kit and put it in. Hopefully you will have it in time for the May 10th Spring Fling. Bill and I will go over the whole thing with ya in Chelsea. You can look at our systems (mine is totally different) and we will have it dialed in by the end of the day for sure:cool:

At 22* of timing you should be able to run a pretty decent amount of boost. Start at 20psi to be safe, then crank it up in 1# increments.

How long did Steve say it would take to get the kit to you?

steve told me 2 weeks...i told him i wanted it by may 10th...
Originally posted by Red Regal T
Doesn't that denatured cost $8 to $10 a gallon. I'd go broke if I had to use that sh*t. After all, I'm not rich! :p

i can get it for 5 bucks a gallon where i work...normally 7
john - what does the methanol cost per gallon?

d0n_3d - *update* today i decided to try a roughly 70/30 and alky/water mix. 70% alky, 30% water and it brought my KR to 0* in the middle of the day and 02s were looking good at 808-820 usually. some room for improvement with running a leaner mixture there but i like to have a safety margin. id suggest trying the 100% denatured and working it down to a 70/30 mix and maybe even a 50/50 mix yet i have heard of 2 friends whose cars bogged badly with water but theirs bogged badly with a 70/30 mix and mine dont, maybe i can get away with a 50/50 mix and save some money. go ahead and experiment with it, thats part of fun and learning.
Great post Turbo_Tim!

Toy cars, race cars..........whatever and folks whine about the cost of enjoying them. Park it and it won't cost you anything. :D

As for this thread. The single nozzle has worked great for me. I have a dual nozzle kit sitting on the shelf that I will probably install on the Mazda conversion. I purchase my denatured alcohol at Sears for around $6-7 a gallon and mix a little methanol dry gas in it for good measure.

Good luck,
Originally posted by Turbocars
Great post Turbo_Tim!

Toy cars, race cars..........whatever and folks whine about the cost of enjoying them. Park it and it won't cost you anything. :D

As for this thread. The single nozzle has worked great for me. I have a dual nozzle kit sitting on the shelf that I will probably install on the Mazda conversion. I purchase my denatured alcohol at Sears for around $6-7 a gallon and mix a little methanol dry gas in it for good measure.

Good luck,

Now guys John isnt cheap, he's just really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really careful about how he spends his money:D

Heck when he has a nice piece of azz sitting next to him in the car he probably throws cash around like nobody's business;)