I have to say guys I have the greatest 18YO kid in the world. He has been through so much in his live mostly from his dead beat mother, who doesnt pay a dime and hasn't for years, she has stole his money from his savings account, tried to have him thrown in jail at 13 because he supposedly stole $600 from their house when he went there to get the rest stuff from his room because he was living with me full time, and his mom took all of his paint ball and baseball gear and wraped it up to give to her new husbands nefew for X Mas. She also gave away his dog without telling him because she said she didn't have time and couldn't afoard it, only to two weeks later get herself a little piece of shit $400 dog to carry around in her $300 purse like a rich whore would do.
He has been bullied for years by kids in his school. And as I make enemies with those parents trying to get it to stop, she makes friends with them just to spread her lies about how I'm a POS and I am brainwashing him. that's one reason he wanted to get back into wrestling when it was offered in school. And he was a very good wrestler and the hulling stopped when he started standing up for himself.
I could go on forever but what I really want to talk about is HIM. He graduated last Sunday and after he received his diploma he was handed some roses that all the kids could buy to hand out to parents, grandparents ect. Well comes over and gives the first rose to my wife, tells her he loves her and kisses and hugs her. I shake his hand and tell him I'm proud and love him. I then watch as he walks in to the stands and gives a rose to a teacher (reading) that has been part of his live from elementary, middle, and all the way up to highschool. He was in her classes several times as she moved up. She also testified on our behave when we tried to get full custody.
She of course started crying and gave him a big hug. I then watched as he went a little farther up the stands to another isle. He then starts sliding down the isle only to give a rose to the lady at the very end. She quickly stood up and grab my son and hugged him with all her live and proceeded to cry uncontrollably as she burried her head into his shoulder for what seemed like hours. As she let him go her husband went to shake his hand only to proceed to do almost the same thing. As the husband regained his composer his wife did it all over again. He was up there with them for several minutes.
As this was happening my wife and I were also crying from this, and I had forgotten the nervousness I was, and had been feeling about him graduating. All I could feel was a huge amount of pride for my son.
What he had done was. He had taken, and was the only person that did a rose to the parents of a girl in his class that had commited suicide early in the year. He said he wanted her parents to get one since she wasn't there to give one herself.
I am so proud of him. What he did has reduced me to tears every time I think about it.
He has taken his test for being an EMT and has been going to a bunch of elementary schools to teach the kids about what they do. He was on the local news also. he will be going to school to be an RN. all of that has been placed on my shoulders because his mom won't pay for any of it. Which is fine. I will do and have done what ever needs to be done for him.
Here is his last match
Here is he is for homecoming king, he was runner up
Here is a senior pic
A link from the news
I could go on forever about him. Sorry for it being long I'm just proud
He has been bullied for years by kids in his school. And as I make enemies with those parents trying to get it to stop, she makes friends with them just to spread her lies about how I'm a POS and I am brainwashing him. that's one reason he wanted to get back into wrestling when it was offered in school. And he was a very good wrestler and the hulling stopped when he started standing up for himself.
I could go on forever but what I really want to talk about is HIM. He graduated last Sunday and after he received his diploma he was handed some roses that all the kids could buy to hand out to parents, grandparents ect. Well comes over and gives the first rose to my wife, tells her he loves her and kisses and hugs her. I shake his hand and tell him I'm proud and love him. I then watch as he walks in to the stands and gives a rose to a teacher (reading) that has been part of his live from elementary, middle, and all the way up to highschool. He was in her classes several times as she moved up. She also testified on our behave when we tried to get full custody.
She of course started crying and gave him a big hug. I then watched as he went a little farther up the stands to another isle. He then starts sliding down the isle only to give a rose to the lady at the very end. She quickly stood up and grab my son and hugged him with all her live and proceeded to cry uncontrollably as she burried her head into his shoulder for what seemed like hours. As she let him go her husband went to shake his hand only to proceed to do almost the same thing. As the husband regained his composer his wife did it all over again. He was up there with them for several minutes.
As this was happening my wife and I were also crying from this, and I had forgotten the nervousness I was, and had been feeling about him graduating. All I could feel was a huge amount of pride for my son.
What he had done was. He had taken, and was the only person that did a rose to the parents of a girl in his class that had commited suicide early in the year. He said he wanted her parents to get one since she wasn't there to give one herself.
I am so proud of him. What he did has reduced me to tears every time I think about it.
He has taken his test for being an EMT and has been going to a bunch of elementary schools to teach the kids about what they do. He was on the local news also. he will be going to school to be an RN. all of that has been placed on my shoulders because his mom won't pay for any of it. Which is fine. I will do and have done what ever needs to be done for him.

Here is his last match

Here is he is for homecoming king, he was runner up

Here is a senior pic

A link from the news
I could go on forever about him. Sorry for it being long I'm just proud