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Retired Buick Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2001
Saw this on Ebay and was kinda curious.

Doesn't look like to bad a deal for under $6,200 if the current bidder hasn't bid higher. 72,000 miles

The few parts that's missing appear to be there plus a couple spare ECMs, a stock tranny & converter, etc, etc. Interior looks decent.

I figured it'd be something to play with for a fair price.

What do ya'll think?|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318
172K miles? Car is wet in blurry pics, hard to judge paint, price isnt bad though. Can someone check it out first?
I was curious and pulled a Autocheck on it.

It's clear, no wrecks, salvage, etc.

No odometer related problems, etc.
I wouldnt want it but to each his own:cool: Looks like it has had the sheet run out of it, but thats just me;)
I don't want it, just curious.

Wonder what it'll end up bringing?

Figured the spare tranny and converter gotta be worth?? $500 to a grand??

My thinking :
Clean it up, & wax it (I think that paint would shine and look good) Stick the turbo shield back on it, air dams, a GN center cap, and it'd make a good driver.
How can anyone bid on a car ya can't see?? no way would I even bid on a car that was washed an not dried off so you can see the car!! pics suck and I am being nice. Car looks like a "nitemare" to me BUT I don't "need" it :p
How can anyone bid on a car ya can't see?? no way would I even bid on a car that was washed an not dried off so you can see the car!! pics suck and I am being nice. Car looks like a "nitemare" to me BUT I don't "need" it :p

crapy pictures on ebay scare me. someone is hiding something.:wink:

You guys are 100% correct:cool: anybody that REALLY wants to sell something doesn't take ****ty pics like that..............

It should go without saying but everyday people amaze me huh:rolleyes: :biggrin:
How bout that trunk emblem location on the first car? Not right is it?
Otherwise it seems the guy may have brought it inside a shop he coesn't own for pics. Doesn't look bad at all. Some people are really bad w/pics. My dad for instance is a real craftsman and lousy picture taker. The clear pics where you can tell from the angle were braced show it's got stretched fabric on ds seat bottom but otherwise appears nice. Paint cond is tough to see and you can rarely tell rust issues on black from any overall pics. Definitely one where you'd want a network of friends for irl confirmation before bidding.
Looks like the pics were taken with a cell phone. How about getting a digital camera and getting good quality pics.

The second auction......what's up with the gold colored radio knobs?
I wonder if the thought process for that ad went something like this,

I need to sell that GN, it should bring in some good cash. Maybe I should drink a few beers first, I feel a bit shaky, aww screw it. Where did I put my old cell phone with the VGA camera? Ah there it is, time to head out to the shop. Crap, its dirty, gotta spray it off with the hose but I have no towels out here so what ever, its clean now because its wet. Let me break out the cell phone for some pictures now, still shaky, should have had a few beers. Ok, got the pictures, time to go back to the computer. All these pictures are great, they show a TON of detail and are clear as a bell, this old cell phone camera is great. Now I wonder why my listing isnt pulling in 25K like some of the others on ebay? :mad:
