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Out of alky, can I drive my car?


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Oct 5, 2009
Sorry if this is a dumb noob question, but i've just installed my alky control kit but am awaiting alky to arrive. can I drive my car without alky under low boost (up to 10psi), or do I have to have alky in it.
I suppose my question is also, is my car pemenently 'armed' for alchohol now that the razors kit is installed/
you can drive it but I'd stay out of boost completely. IIRC, the 'turn on' point is 7 psi and I don't think running the pump with an empty alky tank will be doing it any favors.

Better yet, turn it off completely till you're able to fill and re-prime the system.
thanks,so essentially the car is 'armed' for alky once the kit is installed?
Presumably if I disconnect the main feed (live ignition) to the controller the system is disarmed?
without knowing the brand of Alky kit you have, I'd say yes to disconnecting the main feed.

Otherwise, on my Razor kit, the gain knob on the PAC controller can turn it off, turning ccw.
Of course, its a Razors kit! So i'll turn it off at the Gain setting. Thanks, i've only just completed the install and can't get alky locally. :mad:
You dont have any hardware stores where you are? Home Depot,Lowes ect./
Just got off the phone to a local chemical supplier. Told me to come down and pick up 5 gallons tomorrow. only 15 miles away which is great. Very little industry where I live and chemical suppliers in short supply.
You can drive the car cross country. Just don't race it at high boost.

Just like you cant race it when the gas tank is low.
Car now has alky. Took it on its maiden drive today and everything worked beautifully, really is a nice piece of kit:smile:
Let the tuning begin!
I can't find any locally... What are you grabbing at Lowe's/Home Depot? just regular windshield washer fluid?
I can't find any locally... What are you grabbing at Lowe's/Home Depot? just regular windshield washer fluid?

NO. Windshield washer fluid will kill the pump.

Use denatured alcohol from Lowes or Home depot.
Okay thanks. i was told that windshield washer fluid would work but I was skeptical... good thing!