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The t type is how much for everything. Zip is 90813
the shifter is for a 200R? can I get the cable and bracket on the trans?all with the pull straps,covers,buick emblem in grill for a GN,and a short seat belt(female end--drivers side) end --Gray--shipped to 60548--how much? Thanks
New Cruise stalk $35 shipping included
black would be ok--what about seat belt end--short one drivers side and the buick emble in the grill for a GN--shipped to 60548--thanks Bob
I'll take them---email me your details at Bob
87 GN need the gas tank straps hardware ie..sleeves, clips, nuts, bolts...thanks
Im looking for the rear passenger side drum hardware. The parking brake lever, and shoe guide. Its number 18 and 9 on the diagram.
Please let me know and I can send payment.View attachment 188270