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Pete Rose on The Factor


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Should Pete Rose be reinstated

  • Yes - He's paid enough and deserves to be in the Hall of Fame

    Votes: 17 45.9%
  • No - He knew the rules and broke them anyway

    Votes: 20 54.1%

  • Total voters


Fire the Federal Gov't
Nov 5, 2002
Anyone just see Pete on The Factor with Bill O'Reilly? No remorse for his 14 years of gambling on baseball and wants reinstatement.

I say keep him out...
Do you happen to know if what they do on The Factor is played again the same night on the No Spin Zone on the radio?

Anyways, I say keep him out, he knew the rules, broke them with obvious lack of care thinking money goes above all rules, and now is needing to get what's coming and hopefully staying with him.
The Radio Factor is broadcast live Mon-Fri noon to 2pm. The O'Reilly Factor is on Fox News again at 11pm. Some issues he brings up on the radio show gets covered again on The Factor in the evening.

Hope that helps....
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Anyone just see Pete on The Factor with Bill O'Reilly? No remorse for his 14 years of gambling on baseball and wants reinstatement.

I say keep him out...

I did. I watch his tv show and listen to the radio factor everyday, along with a lot of other talk radio. I don't care either way, but you say he showed no remorse. He did say he was as sorry as he could be, do you think he was not being sincere, or that he just wants in the Hall of Fame? Just wondering, like I said I couold care less.
Even Bill picked up on his apparent lack of true remorse. Drew and Mike (our local morning show duo) read quite a few excerpts from his book which came across the same way. Basically whining about being banned for life and how the commissioner of baseball at the time "screwed him over". :rolleyes:
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Even Bill picked up on his apparent lack of true remorse. Drew and Mike (our local morning show duo) read quite a few excerpts from his book which came across the same way. Basically whining about being banned for life and how the commissioner of baseball at the time "screwed him over". :rolleyes:


ban him for life...from what?.... baseball?... fine. baseball hall of fame. no... let him in. so he gets his name hung on a wall.. 14yrs from now when he's decrepit, take it out and say "we lied":)

he bet on baseball..... he didn't kill his ex-wife and her lover! DON'T SQUEEZE THE JUICE!!

did his head grown 2 hat sizes in his career? that is FORBIDDEN in ANY SPORT, but Bonds still plays

CHEAT DURING A GAME! ( corked bat! ) what did that pile of crap get?... 1/2 a game suspension?

never let him coach, never let him manage, never let him announce a game. but let him in the hall of fame. he is still the leading hitter and was one of the best players EVER! it isn't the "moral hall of Fame" or "i never f'ed up hall of fame" its baseball... and he had a statistical career to warrant entry.
He bet on a few games. He has been banned for over 13 years now. I think that is punishment enough.

Ty Cobb is in the Hall of Fame. He was a racist, felon. He was known to have slapped black grounds keepers.

Shoeless Joe Jackson - Part of the team that threw the WORLD SERIES for money!!!!!! He's in the Hall of Fame.

People like Daryl Strawberry who get arrested multiple times for spousal abuse and crack are allowed to return to the game time after time.

Pete Rose paid the price, and has now apologized for his actions. Let him back in.

I agree with Anthony K & ross87t 100% It is not right how he has been treated in compairson to all the other fellons & drug users in sports, they all get a slap on the hand and back to the field they go after doing things that are much worse. Rose screwed up and what he did was wrong but get over it, if they are gonna treat these other guys with special treatment then Rose deserves it to. :mad:
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Even Bill picked up on his apparent lack of true remorse.

Of course......"Bill" knows it all. Just ask him. :rolleyes:

As far as Pete Rose, or baseball itself, WHO CARES? :D
Originally posted by ross87t

Shoeless Joe Jackson - Part of the team that threw the WORLD SERIES for money!!!!!! He's in the Hall of Fame.

shoeless joe jackson is not in the hall of fame, and in civil court he was cleared of any wrong doing in the black sox scandal. he is still banned from baseball.
Originally posted by Red Regal T
Of course......"Bill" knows it all. Just ask him. :rolleyes:

As far as Pete Rose, or baseball itself, WHO CARES? :D
Lets be serious for a moment huh :rolleyes:

No, of course Bill doesn't know all. But anyone who saw the interview and can read body language plus listen to excerpts from his book would conclude his apologies are self serving. It's quite obvious.

Did you see the interview? Did you hear how "apologetic" he was in his book? He's better at passing blame on to Major League Baseball than being contrite about his 14+ years of gambling on baseball (including betting on his own team while he was manager :rolleyes: ).
I like the fact that he say he no longer gambles in one sentece and then in another segment we find out he owns a race horse and gambles at the track.
paul hornung got banned from the nfl for gambling and was only out 1 year, but he admitted it from the beginning.
and now you can go to churchill downs any day of the week and there he stands at the first betting window.
He deserves to be in the Hall of Fame for his great accomplishments while playing baseball. The Hall of Fame is not inducting people for their moral standing, they are inducting for their contrbutions to baseball.

Let him in and get over the gambling.:)
I say put him in the Hall. I really don't care if he murdered 10 people, it's what he did on the field. Rose is right, had he used drugs, he would have been reinstated.
Originally posted by TurboTer
I say put him in the Hall. I really don't care if he murdered 10 people, it's what he did on the field. Rose is right, had he used drugs, he would have been reinstated.
So the longstanding league rule that says "GAMBLING ON BASEBALL WILL RESULT IN A PERMANENT BAN FROM THE GAME" is meaningless? If that's the case what's the point in having those rules if they're meaningless?
Originally posted by TT/A1233
So the longstanding league rule that says "GAMBLING ON BASEBALL WILL RESULT IN A PERMANENT BAN FROM THE GAME" is meaningless? If that's the case what's the point in having those rules if they're meaningless?

I support a permanent ban of some sorts. I don't think he should be able to play (not that he still could anyway, lol), manage, or coach, but the Hall of Fame is different. It is meant for exceptional players, and Pete belongs there. Oh yeah, so does Shoeless Joe Jackson.
The charges brought against "Shoeless Joe" were being a member of a team that was throwing games, not gambling!
Originally posted by turbo
The charges brought against "Shoeless Joe" were being a member of a team that was throwing games, not gambling!

No kidding.