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Pic of new Kicker shirt with my former Buick!


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Staff member
May 25, 2001
This is a pic of the new Kicker shirts with my former Buick in the middle that is the new current IASCA & USAC World Champion thanks to my buddy Gary, congrats on the new world title :cool: .


  • kicker shirt 1.jpg
    kicker shirt 1.jpg
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Originally posted by mcss383
sweet. I could wear one of those.... :)

What size are you?? He has a few more in his dually, I will see if he has your size and let you know.
am i worthy?

Hey, am I worthy? I have a Kicker amp in my car :)

I promise if you send me one I won't wear it when I work on the car ;) All my "work" shirts are white, heh, figures...

XL would be cool.

I should mail Gary, see if its possible to do a speacial feature on his car for the new G-body.Org site

Eddie, I still need the equipment list for your GN.

Merry X-mas,

Re: am i worthy?

Originally posted by darkfa8
Hey, am I worthy? I have a Kicker amp in my car :)

I promise if you send me one I won't wear it when I work on the car ;) All my "work" shirts are white, heh, figures...

XL would be cool.

I should mail Gary, see if its possible to do a speacial feature on his car for the new G-body.Org site

Eddie, I still need the equipment list for your GN.

Merry X-mas,


Of course you are worthy !! I will make sure that he brings them back on his trip back for New years.

Let him know what you need to do a feature, he is thinking of retiring car :eek: . I hope not. The Japenese did a feature of his car in one of their audio mags and he might possibly sell it to them. We will see what he does because he reached his goal on winning both IASCA & USAC events in the same year. Not sure what he is doing for next year.

Merry X-mas guys and I hope you have a fun and safe New Year. I will keep you posted.

Tell Gary I said, "Thanks.... and don't RETIRE the car or sell it to the Japenese!"

If he's gonna let the car go, why not give it back to you ;)

Just a thought :\

As for the feature, I'll need pics, equipment listing, whatever special features about the car he'll admit to and some comments on his wins and achievements...maybe even a small bio of how he got to where he is.

I'd love to come out there to photograph the car, but I'm no magazine photo guy and don't have the financial backing to go running around the country. :(
Just e-mail Gary for what you need and I am sure he will give you the info that you ask for. Tell him when he comes down for my New Years Eve party to bring 2 XLs for you and mcss383 :cool: .

I will try to remember to get you the rest of the info on my car, its been hectic around here with the holdays.