Picture galleries from the 2006 BG GS Nationals..


It's just a V6 Brick.....
Sep 20, 2001
I have received a few emails asking me where are the different websites with pics from BG so I figured to make it easier for everyone I would post the links in this thread so that nobody has to do any searching..

Lance Marlette's website/gallery~ http://www.gsxcitement.com

Nelson Febus's website/gallery~ http://febusfilms.com/photos/index.html

GS Nationals website photo's~ http://www.gsnationals.com/gs_nationals_photos.htm

Very good BG pics thread on TurboBuicks.com~ http://www.turbobuicks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50708

If I find any additional pics/galleries I will post them :cool:
added another gallery too

Added new photo gallery to GS Nationals

About 705 photos from Friday & Saturday (Race and Car Show)

http://www.gsnationals.com/Friday_gallery/ --- Friday
Pits, 2006 Black 6.1 L SRT/8(license plates - mean "I wait for no one"), Racing during the day and at NIGHT, Car Show (up close in detail), 1953 Vintage Corvette Turbo T, Yellow and White GSX's, Convertibles, Motion - X, GNX # 031 up close too, people and a buick with a tree growing out of it....

http://www.gsnationals.com/2006_gallery/ ---- Saturday
Final Race photos are shown on the link above AND on the 2006 results page

otherwise visit www.gsnationals.com and look at the top of the page for links or check out race and show for photos 03-06