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PIR T&T Friday the 11th


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I'm your huckleberry.
Sep 26, 2003
Gates open at 4pm, I'm probably going to go and see how my turd does. Anybody else thinking about going?
27 views and no replies eh? C'mon you old farts, I'll even supply some Metamucil :p :D
I was going to try and come out on Saturday night. I'll probably have the Skylark but not planning on racing. The wife and I were just going to go cruising.
I am shooting for april

If my exhaust was done I would be there.
I am going to shoot for late night drags in april. I think its the first sat What time you going to be there? It depens if I have overtime too. :(
DEL, you should come today :D

Chris, I was thinking about going there right after class, gates open at 4pm. Need to see if Erik has a helmet I can borrow first!
What the hell, I might try to make it tonight. I won't be there until after 7:00 or so though.
I will see what I can do

I still think its $5 to get in to watch. Man I wish my car was going.

Well that was lame :mad: Get there at 8:30 and "Sorry, we filled our quota of cars."
I ended up getting there at 5:00 and left at 7:00. I was bored to tears, there wasn't much to watch, and anything with power was not hooking up. Woodburn opens Sunday. I might try to get out there with the Skylark if I can get my stuff together.
:( That sucks

I had to do some family stuff and finish my cold air box. I think the late night drags does not have quota. Thats ok there will be more. Wood burn is a bit far for me to drive. I will be finishing up my dp today so only few more things till she is on the road again. :D