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Please help end a 'HEATED" debate about injecting before or after the power adder.


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Go Dawgs
Jun 19, 2001
Ok, here is the set up. I am running a 1995 Rustang with a KB twin screw supercharger. Because the KB sits right on the lower intake, I am injecting just before the screws. I figure that the screws will help atomize the water, and the slow speed of the screws will keep the water from damaging them like they would a turbo.

Well there are guys that say that I am defeating the ppurpose of injecting water, if I am cooling an already close to ambient charge. They say that I MUST inject after the screws to cool the charge. My self tests prove this wrong, as I was able to add 7* of total timing after I set up an M5 nozzle in my intake. I have no way to data log, so I thought the best thing to do was ask the guys who know.

1) Am I gaining anything by injecting BEFORE the supercharger?

I dont know how much heat your KB is generating. But a common thought would be that your water, or whatever you are injecting is going to be heated up with the charge. Therefore being less effective in cooling the total charge down. But i say if your theory is proven right by your results, screw everyone else. They told me plaid and polka dots dont work together, and I say "Bull****" and i wear them everyday!

Are you gaining anything? I'd say yes for sure, since you were able to advance the timing. Are you gaining as much as you would by injecting after the blower? Most likely not :)
Ha, i just got the heated debate pun.
