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POP goes the weasal


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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2009
Got the Devils Own alky installed on my car and noticed that the spool up from 10#'s (currently non-progressive..will be progressive soon) I'm blowing the up-pipe off!!! Gotta get that tightened down more...and I think that I have the coupler too far onto the up-pipe and not enough on the dog house....dang it! But love how fast it spools! :)
Get it fixed or it will be POP goes the head gasket!:biggrin: Enjoy the alky though..
Well that would be good for YOU at least!!! lol!! no garage means no major repairs done here.....I'm doing it tomorrow. Also realized I needed to bump my fuel pressure up. After I intalled the 60's the line off pressure dropped. I think that kinda makes sense since the 60's are a completely different style injector then the 42.5's.
I've got the T-bar..didn't think about the hairspray. I will pick some up tomorrow. thanks for the tip.
just fyi i had a devils own and its a nice kit but i did have one of the plastic tubes melt against the valve cover so make sure your insulate it.
I blew off my up pipe once and found the cause was a dead spot in the TPS sensor....does this sound consistent with the fuel pressure leaning out like you experienced? If TPS went to -0-, would the fuel pump shut down or reduce output?
Not sure if I agree on the fuel pressure. How much did it drop. I've ran 30's,42's,50's,60's and have not seen that at all. Maybe your regulator is getting flakey.
just fyi i had a devils own and its a nice kit but i did have one of the plastic tubes melt against the valve cover so make sure your insulate it.

My out line to the uppipe is braided. Last owner upgraded that. Probably for the same reason you expereienced.

I blew off my up pipe once and found the cause was a dead spot in the TPS sensor....does this sound consistent with the fuel pressure leaning out like you experienced? If TPS went to -0-, would the fuel pump shut down or reduce output?

Up until this my TPS has been great but I can look at that. Thanks for the heads up.

Not sure if I agree on the fuel pressure. How much did it drop. I've ran 30's,42's,50's,60's and have not seen that at all. Maybe your regulator is getting flakey.

Hope not! Chelsey is gonna scream if I tell her I need to buy anything else right now! dropped about 2-3 psi. Had it set to 43psi line off for my TT chip. After I put in the FTS chip I saw that I need to set it to 45psi line off per the directions. Haven't had time but I was seeing a low BLM and high INT and did some research and found other people that had that issue had to bump up their pressure then it went away. Figured since it wasn't an issue until I did the new injectors that it would have something to do with it. They aren't leaking and the system still holds pressure perfectly well so that's why I was thinking that the different set up might have changed things just enough to effect line pressure.
Probably nothing to worry about then,just buy Chelsey something nice and you are good to go!
lol that's what I'm gonna do. Yesterday the coupler between the turbo and the intercooler did something fun. The worm ring around the intercooler side SOMEHOW slid down onto the intercooler and off the coupler and then the coupler started getting sucked into the intercooler so whenever I hit boost it was make it sounded like an elephant under the hood. I will be replaceing that coupler tonight or tomorrow. Obviously the thing is weak if it was doing that and I haven't liked the looks of it anyways. I also already have two T-clamps for 2in pipe so those will be going on as well.
Just so there isnt misinformation out there, blowing your uppipe off will never make you blow your head gasket. How could it? The second it blows off the engine instantly loses all boost pressure. Without boost a head gasket will never blow. Ive blown my intercooler pipes off more times than I could count.

Also a quicker spoolup rate is not the reason for the pipe blowing off. Higher boost will do it, but not a quicker spool rate.

Oh and changing injectors should not effect your fuel pressure even the slightest at idle.
Just so there isnt misinformation out there, blowing your uppipe off will never make you blow your head gasket. How could it? The second it blows off the engine instantly loses all boost pressure. Without boost a head gasket will never blow. Ive blown my intercooler pipes off more times than I could count. . . . . .

You are correct, Theoretically.
Not arguing with you . . . . . With my luck . . . just think of possibly what could happen :eek: . . .
Pipe blows off, Turbo keeps spinning/pulling air, MAF is maxed and no extra air to the motor, still low timing and now excess fuel, pre-ignition, Sensor never goes off . . . . BOOM, there goes the HG :mad:
Never personally blown a HG...but EVERYTHING I learned in auto class and during my apprenticeship (didn't complete) and everything I've read about it since says that any sort of dramatic change in the engine could blow the HG..and I would think that suddenly cutting the forced, cold air from the engine when it is fueling and timing for 17psi would be considered dramatic...again...never done it and never been a mechanic so this isn't direct experience..just what I've learned with my classes and reading.