Possible cam deal??

The sticky about "better lifters than clicky comps" ignores the fact that Comp, and very damn few companies make their own lifters. The "problem" if any, with Comps Cams, is they have faster ramp rates than most other companies cams.
Faster ramp rates allow more HP and a wider power band with everything else being equal. BUT, the faster ramp rates will show up deficiencies in oiling system, incorrect spring pressures and rates, as well as incorrect pushrod length/geometry, and incorrect application of Hydraulic lifter bleed rates.
Comp makes, IMHO, the best cams on the market, but everything else in the engine must be correct, for you to use them to their best advantage.
Builders of "camels" and "band-aided" engines will be happier using more forgiving (lower HP) components.
FYI: "A Camel is a horse that was designed by a comittee."
Quote by an old GM engine designer....