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You just need to do this Chuck.:D
Mamogram test.jpg
Breast Manipulation Association of America
Advertising tag line; A squeeze a day keeps the cancer away.
I use to work with an engineer who's wife did mammograms in a motor home daily and he told me that most of the women that she "inspected" were just not "squeeze" type persons. Most of the ladies had more boobage than most. He said that most of the gals had breasts that would hang down to their waist line and beyond. Uhhmmmmmmmm thanks. Talk to someone in the medical profession and they'll tell you that most pelvic and breast exams are far.........far............from nice!!!. Had a buddy tell me that one time he had a gal come in and there was cottage cheese and blue cheese dressing in every "fold". One buddy of mine does OB GYN and said that by the time they come to DON'T WANNNA SEE 'EM!!!!!!!. But .........fantasies are just that guys.......
Thanks for ruining my breakfast.:eek: