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Powermaster Problems - Seeking help from the experts


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Jan 16, 2010
Got my car out from its winter slumber, and have a few issues with the brakes...

1. The red BRAKE light illuminates every time I push the pedal down, but goes out. I've done a lot of reading in this thread, stating the accumulator ball is the likely suspect. I had this issue about 4 years ago, and the culprit was the pressure switch on the back of the master cylinder. I had a NIB switch, so for giggles I installed it, but the problem is still present.

2. Since I replaced the switch, when the brakes are applied, I hear a knocking type noise from the firewall area and can feel it through the brake pedal with my foot on the brake. After I take my foot off the brake, the noise will continue 2-3 times then stop until the brakes are applied again. Could this be also related to the accumulator?

The brakes seem to stop the car well without concern, but I'm a little put off now with this new knocking issue from the firewall. I have been previously contemplating a vacuum brake conversion based on the overall costs, but before I pull that trigger I would like to get the thoughts of the Powermaster experts.

Mine did the same thing accumulator ball fixed mine

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
similiar story - got the gn out of mothballs sunday, took it to get fresh gas. While enroute there was an odor that was similiar to new brakes or "HOT" brakes like coming down a large hill. Anyways I was at a stoplight looked down on the dash the BRAKE light was illuminated and when i went to turn onto my street i had NO brakes at all. Also noticed what felt like a gremlin inside the firewall tapping on the brake pedal
decision time! hydro boost, vacuum or power disaster replacement. depends on how much $$$ you want to spend-vacuum least expensive , hydroboost next and powermaster probably most expensive. talk to others on the site and good luck which ever way you go. I went vacuum, My powermaster is in a box in the basement. fairly easy swap. no more heart stopping sudden brake failures for me.
Got my accumulator from GBP, and installed it this evening. All problems solved! On top that, the brakes feel the best they ever have in the 5 years I've owned the car.

Time to give it the spring detail, and put a few miles on it. Thanks everyone for your input and advice, its always greatly appreciated!!
The best thing you can do to keep that PM happy is to change the fluid at least once a year, twice is even better.