Pro-Mechanic's Suck


THANK YOU!!!! I don't know if you remember or not but you helped me out some time ago to get this car running.

Turbo39151 and Jerryl - THANK YOU! Your advice makes sense. I have been considering it but was just not at peace about it. However, if some of my brother GN owners feel that it is desrved, I am leaning that way now. Your advice makes perfect sense - I cannot be an enabler. God Bless - I will let you knwo how things evolve.
Being a believer does not mean being a “Door mat” or "Roll Over".
It means "forgive", but stand up for what is right.

The guy offered his services for a fee because he was going to do the right thing plus make some money.
He did the so called tune up, finished it and the little devil on his shoulder said this....As Follows:

Go ahead take for a test know you want to, you know the reputation these cars have, youve always wanted one...go ahead take it out and mash the pedal just one time..come on do it!

So he did, he got it out on the street, power braked it to 12psi and let it rip hard, kept it mashed untill it gave out...

Then he limped it back to the shop, shrugged his shoulders and denied his responsibility.

You know , He knows it and soon the courts will know it.
He lied to your face brother, forgive him but make him pay up
OK good thread..............

Hey Pastor, God gave you the GN. The GN broke. God might be using this broke GN to help witness too these lost or straying "sheep". I think there might be a bigger picture than a spun rod bearing. It's OK to vent but if you ask God how to handle this he'll give you the answer. You really need to go to your brother (old Buick mechanic) and tell him your feelings. If he denies it then let God do his work. PRAY for your old Buick mechanic. God can change hearts in a blink of an eye. If this is a small town then you know how gossip spreads and how many people will be watching this entire scenario. The Devil loves whispering in people's ears. I would not take any Christian to court! Let God sort this thing out and it might be a huge blessing in diguise. Give Him the glory! As a christian you know that if you love God and hate your brother than you yourself are a liar. Hope everything works out brother!!!!
Hey Pastor, God gave you the GN. The GN broke. God might be using this broke GN to help witness too these lost or straying "sheep". I think there might be a bigger picture than a spun rod bearing. It's OK to vent but if you ask God how to handle this he'll give you the answer. You really need to go to your brother (old Buick mechanic) and tell him your feelings. If he denies it then let God do his work. PRAY for your old Buick mechanic. God can change hearts in a blink of an eye. If this is a small town then you know how gossip spreads and how many people will be watching this entire scenario. The Devil loves whispering in people's ears. I would not take any Christian to court! Let God sort this thing out and it might be a huge blessing in diguise. Give Him the glory! As a christian you know that if you love God and hate your brother than you yourself are a liar. Hope everything works out brother!!!!

Very moving post but this has nothing to do with "Jesus take the wheel"
the guy screwed him and by trying to recoup what is rightfully his is not un christian, yes forgive him, pray for him, behold his lawn to grow forever green and send many blessings his way...

The guy needs to suck it up and fix it and the Pastor needs to walk over there and tell him flat out that he never had any issues with it untill break, you buy...or fix... he shouldnt have to eat it in the hopes that its a message sent from above telling him to save more souls or pray for the meek.

If my car ran on Jesus power, id never change the oil.
HWY2HELL is my sig if you need some " UnDivine Intervention " ;) Hey Just kidding , im sure it will work out for you . The only time i go to Church is for a Funeral , guess that cuts down on the favors .........One thing i do know is some times something positive come out of something bad .....In the Movies the Pastor always has a big Caddy ......................Buick GN Now thats what i call a PASTOR !:biggrin: this post has got some good stuff in it ..i liked the " Jesus take the wheel " ..............Some times i feel like I let the Devil take the wheel and Jesus runs the brake !................ I think the truth of the matter is they both drive just at different times and for different lengths of time for all of us .

OK, I'll admit that the "Jesus take the wheel" was pretty good. If this Pastor has truly been called by God to be a Pastor then yes... "Jesus, take the wheel" has everything to do with it. In this do you prove 100% that the mechanic actually screwed something up. Sounds like it would only end in a fist fight. It's word against word. If the mechanic wrongfully abused the car than he's obviously lying. Leading someone to salvation and being a good witness is worth a lot more than a 3.8 Buick motor. We are suppose to be heavenly minded versus earthly minded. You just never know what God has down the road for you. Sounds like you're being tested Pastor. Job was tested as others were in the Bible. What would Jesus do?
Thanks y'all! I never thought this thread would hit home with so many people. I have went to him and talked man to man. He would not let me take my car out of his garage until I had paid him for the "work" that he had done. Furthermore, he still denies to others in the area that he is responsible. He claims that since the car had 70,000 miles, it was due for a break down - thus he is not liable. Many people have talked to him - without my permission, etc. - just heard through the grapevine - there aren't too many pastors around in GNs - especially that suddenly quit driving them. I drove mine all the time. This dude sells me the pitch - hey I love these cars - retired Buick mechanic, etc. I would be happy to go over it for you before you run it this spring. Next thing I know, I call him to see when I can pick it up andthis when he unloads the "good news." NOTE: He did NOT even have the decency to call me and tell me that he blew it up. I had to call him.
Good Luck and I hope you are made whole again.
I guess that guy isn't as familiar with Turbo Buicks as he thought he was. :confused:
......... I have went to him and talked man to man. He would not let me take my car out of his garage until I had paid him for the "work" that he had done. ......... Many people have talked to him - without my permission, etc. ........... .

So, IMHO, here is your answer .........

Matthew 18:16-18 (New International Version)

16But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'[a] 17If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

18"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

So you can take him to court and he will pay for the damage and move on, or
You can tell him you forgive him and will let GOD take care of it .... and he may be out of business, or dead.

Had this kind of thing happen to me a few times .........
While I decided not to take it to court (because it was $2K), I prayed for them and forgave them the debt ....... The wrath of GOD will not be as mercyfull as the court system will be.

Now, if they owned a business and performed a service, it would have been different for me. But hey, I don't walk on water ...... :eek:

Since many people in the area already know, take 2 elders of the church and go visit him one last time.
THANK YOU! I will let you know how things transpire. A couple of deacons went with me and discussed the situation - he told them that he did "all he could" and that it was not his fault so he did not owe me anything! I am leaning toward "vengeance is mine thus saith the Lord." I think that be the way to go since pastors have an unusual position in teh community whne trouble brews.
Its not uncommon for these things to go 200k miles before needing a rebuild. At 70k miles, its just now getting broken in. Take him to court. I'd feel real guilty charging you for the tune up after blowing up the car. That takes huge balls right there. :eek:
being a pastor most certainly puts you in a very unique situation regarding this matter. the answer to your dilemma should be sought within the pages of scripture rather than public opinion.

bw jones
Yes , the pastor thing puts a huge crinkle in the way you can handle situations. I have decided that my two oldest boys and I will rebuild it this summer - they are 10 and 14 - it will be a good experience for them. God can take His vengeance on this loser. The second time I have let a "mechanic" work on the car and both times it was worse when I got it back than when I took it to them. Won't happen again. Thank You all for listening, suggesting, and supporting your friends form "the darkside." These GNs convert people almost as quickly as the Gospel.