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Problem with SMC kit


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The Buick Manual CD Guy
Jun 26, 2001
Steve rulz!!! (was Problem with SMC kit)

I just got my kit in today and after all that trouble (plus the spilling of the denatured alky on the cuts on my hand) it doesn't work. It doesn't do diddley. I followed the directions for running a test spray with the car idling and when I turn up the Pump Speed dial I don't even get a green light that comes on. I check the power and ground I ran to the controller right at the controller where the screws are and I have 12+ voltage. Could someone gimme and idea of what to check next or should I just give Steve a call? Thanx!
Hmmm, denatured into flesh wounds, gee you must be a sadist or something. Got that Howard Hughes thing about germs and sich? ;)

Betcha those cuts aren't going to get infected...

I started to say to check the voltage at the bottle, but realized your kit doesn't have a hobbs to cross like mine. (older kit).

So after all that, guess you might as well call Steve. :)

Let us know what the troubleshooting procedure is, will ya?

Yeah the alky on my hands was not fun. I found every single cut on my hands. :mad: OK, so I'm at work and I don't have the number for SMC. Can anybody clue me in on it? Thanks!
Got everything working now!! Put in a call to Steve to get some help and let me just say that Steve is the nicest and most helpful person! He was happy to sit there on the phone with me while I probed around on the inside of the control box with my VM. Turns out I just had a loose wire. Everything is good now. I bought the kit from Jim Testa and he had never opened it. While I was explaining what the inside of the box looked like to Steve he informed me that he has a few upgrades for the kit I have to make things more reliable and more accurate. Quality service! I can't say enough nice thing about Steve or his alky kit. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for alky injection. :D