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Problems - Speedometer Cluster and Cruise Stalk


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Dec 14, 2008
Hi guys,

A few quick questions. Is the illumination in your speedometers less bright around the 85 mph mark and further right? Any tricks on passing the cruise/wiper stalk wire down the steering column? How do you fix a trip odometer that does not count and remains at zero more or less?

I spent the whole day yesterday taking everting apart in the cluster, lubed the speedometer cable, changed all bulbs to 168 and tried to change the cruise stalk.

Here are the problems. My speedometer needle still bounces around when driving. Actually it is very sensitive. Even when tapping the speedometer it bounces up. Even when handling the cluster to reinstall the needle would move and bounce. Is that normal?

My trip still does not work after a lube.

I do not know if the top right hand bulb in the speedo cluster works. It was dim to begin with and still seems dim.

I fished a wire/thread through the column with the old wire of the cruise stalk but cannot fish the wire of the new stalk back in with the wire/thread. It keeps on getting stuck. Any ideas and is there another way to pass the wire?

There you go a total frustration... any feedback would be appreciated.

for the lights, make sure the socket in question is making good contact- i've had to turn them a little bit out to get them to make contact.
i think you might need a new speedo cable- they are only like $15 at your favorite auto parts store for either the upper or lower cable.
trip odometer is probably junk- maybe look to see of there is agear that is stripped or something. i think you can put the trip odo out of another Regal cluster in yours, but have never actually done it myself.
the column wiring can be a pain- is the column out of the car? if so, it can be done fairly easily, it's just a matter of getting the connector to pass thru at the proper angle.