Production number question


New Member
Jun 11, 2001
I know that there was 2000 GNs produced in '84 , but is there a break down as to how many were made for the Canadian market.
Was there any other differences between the US vs Canadian model aside from the speedo reading in kms as apposed to miles.
canada #'s

1984 total regals was 3955 and GN's was 100

1985 total regals was 3670 and GN's was 143

1986 total regals was 4138 and GN's was 441

1987 total regals was 3578 and GN's was 1695
1987 2664 regals excluding limiteds
1987 280 Y56 T packages

using the 3578 figure it can be concluded that 914 were limiteds.

i got all this info off of