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Propain system installed


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Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
I'll post some pictures tomorrow (Tuesday). Install went very well actually, pretty easy. I mounted the tank in the middle of the rear deck of my trunk so I can put speakers on either side. I also extended and added a 90 degree fitting to the regulator mount, so now it's positioned on the side of the tank.

I've got the middle nozzle in there and it's maxed out on the control box...21psi with ZERO knock. 22 psi had I think 14 knock counts intermittently. I'm going to try the next nozzle up and try some more boost tomorrow. I'm very thankful for the Direct Scan at this point!!!

Other than changing the nozzle and the flow on the control box, are there any other adjustments? I'm not sure why there are two gauges on the regulator and if it matters how "open" it is. Can anyone shed a little light?
Yup, youhave three controls Solenoid duty cycle (on control box), line pressure (big black knob), and jet size (at hte up pipe). I beleive that it is better to run the pressure lower than tank pressure so when the tank drops some from emptying or gets cold or pressure goes up the line pressure will always remain nearly constant. I hope that makes sence. If I am wrong I am sure someone will correct me (JayC).:D
I've been waiting for a detailed report on the results of this propane kit....keep us informed.
Hmmm....I'll have to play with the black knob and see what changes it allows.

I'll post a complete review of the system as I figure it out. I meant to take photos today but got too involved in my scanmaster install and Gauntlet on PS2. :) So far so good, I'm still at 21psi with zero knock, 95 degree MAT temps.
Don't feel bad, Running the line on a TTA is much more of a PITA than the GN's since the line isnt long enough to run it with the fuel lines if you mount the tank on the pass side in the spare tire well (I recomend ordering it with a 3' longer line for TTA's). Finally got the line run last night and should have it all installed and working by this weekend. No hurry here since I have had the kit for nearly 2 months!! Should be pretty stealth once I get some convulex tubing over the line:D I will definately get some pics of it for the TTA guys on how I got it all mounted, turned out pretty slick :cool: