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Pros/Cons of BC/CC vs. single stage paint..


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Senior Member
Aug 13, 2001
Looking for some pros/cons of Base/clear and a single stage paint. Can you paint a metalic in single stage? Also can you wet sand a single stage and then clear over it? Thanks for any replys:)
I am in the aircraft industry. I work on and paint private jets. All we use is single stage paint. I love it. Most stripes on aircraft are single stage metalic. I have wet-sanded plenty of single stage and cleared over it and it looks great. Even metalic. Buffed single stage after wet sanding turns out good also. I have used Jet Glo in the past wich has a very long "green" time for dry to touch. Usally 8 hours. Jet Glo is expensive and hard to shoot. It is not forgiving. Make one mistake with Jet Glo on prep and it can not be corrected by adding a cover coat. Get some PPG Concept and try some test panels. It dries fast and is very easy to work with if you have a mistake during or after it dries. I have had oil spots that can get covered up with PPG.
As far as wet sanding over single stage and then adding clear it is possible. I have done this on two GN's. The only reason I do this is to add extreme depth to the black paint. It is also risky. I will paint a GN black. Let it dry then wet sand a very nice paint job with 1500. Add four coats of thinned out clear (very thin) and have a very nice result. It is hard not to run the clear and keep it wet during the painting but it has worked for me. Extra time thats worth it. Good Luck.:D
Originally posted by fatride
Looking for some pros/cons of Base/clear and a single stage paint. Can you paint a metalic in single stage? Also can you wet sand a single stage and then clear over it? Thanks for any replys:)

Why would you wet sand ? and then clear over it? Are you talking an already cured, previously done paintjob? If so, if you block down that paintjob, just repaint the color and then clear it.
It would be a new paint job. Don't know much about paint, but thought if it was wet sanded and cleared it would come out smoother and have a deeper shine?? The color that will go on the car wil be Dark Blue Met.
It can be done. It is double the work. Get some test panels and try them first. The shine will be deep. Very deep. Single stage does not require a clear but it is an added bonus to have a deeper shine.

Red Regal T
On a cured paint job I have a balck GN now that was painted 8 months ago with single stage(not by me). The car had orange peal and is dry. Looks good from 5 ft away but it can be better. I am sanding it now for the clear.
Paint with color is thicker that clear paint. The thinner the paint is the smoother and faster it flows. One set back is it can run fast.

One process below we have tried and works when we are in a hurry on a stripe or wing tip. Paint mixed hot(fast dry time)( 2 hours and it flys)

Apply single stage color then while it is still wet aplly the coats of clear. All PPG products were used. The result is fantastic as long as the color is not orange peeled.
Originally posted by jswmotor

Red Regal T
On a cured paint job I have a balck GN now that was painted 8 months ago with single stage(not by me). The car had orange peal and is dry. Looks good from 5 ft away but it can be better. I am sanding it now for the clear.
Paint with color is thicker that clear paint. The thinner the paint is the smoother and faster it flows. One set back is it can run fast.

I guess you could do that, but I'd be more comfortable re-coloring.....better binding between the color and clear. With black, one coat would do it, two at most. Then clear. ;)
The GN I am doing has non faded paint. It is 8 months old but was kept inside 7 of the 8 and not moved. Overall condition of the paint is critical in making this work to achieve a nice finish.

Red Regal T you are correct that paints will need a re-color. A fresh paint job cured will work great with a 1500 wet sand and clear. Heavy orange peel can use a wet/dry 800 gritt. A paint job that is older will need a re-color. It depends on the paint condition.

Durability??? I sold a GN to a local guy that I did the paint the same way. 7 years later it still looks like a mirror. No fading. Stays outside everyday. :D
jsw hit on one crucial thing: stay with the same brand, do not mix say PPG clear over sikkens color. If you are thinking about going with a metallic go ahead and base/clear it. Especially if you're not that fluent in painting. Again jsw is right: clear over a single stage can be done, but you really have to know what you're doing.
Don't mean to just jump in but you can wet sand and buff a single stage paint job correct.

My understanding is that most single stage paints have to be color sanded within approx 24-36 hours after application. Once fully cured, you shouldn't color sand.
I have done it both ways. The goal is not to wet sand after painting but things (RUNS/Saggs) happen. Fully cured to me is one month or more. I have seen small and large trash particals "flow out" after two months dry time with no marks left in the paint. I try to

You can wet sand and buff single stage. The higher quality paints work easier and have nicer results. Always try a small test spot.

I have painted single stage for years and just messed up my black car yesterday. I now have to re-sand the car again and start over. The problem was application but incorrect mixing instructions on a lable caused the paint to dry on the top fast and stay wet below. BIG RUNS!!!! It goes to show that single stage with clear is VERY difficult. Retry next week after a complete wet sand again:mad:


I try to not wash the car for a long proid of time and use the weakest soap. :cool:
You really have to wait until the paint is cured sufficiently to color sand. This depends on how many coats you put on. Using only three coats like others have suggested, leaves very little paint after you color sand. You may even sand through. I just painted my GN an used and inexpensive paint.....probably around $150 total. I applied seven coats with color and integrated clear all in one shooting. I had to wait 3 or 4 days to wet sand, waiting for proper curing. Integrated clear is when you add a little color to the clear. I block sanded it out to a dead flat surface with long blocks and it turned out as good as any with paint that could cost 4 times as much. You can check it out in my photos below.