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Pte 3" up pipe for slic


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Drive it like you stole it
Apr 17, 2010
Anyone have a precision turbo and engine stock location intercooler uppipe. Somebody cut the one I bought because It's set too high? Wondering if anybody has this three inch pipe laying around . Make sure when you're buying used that used scope. The pictures really well as I didn't even notice the cut of the pipe. And you can't buy them from PTE right now. Why they are in production of the whole inner cooler new. Up pipes are back ordered
Steve c
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I believe you can use your stock one with the 3”- 2.5” reducer coupling at the I/C instead of at the throttle body in the meantime.
If you already have a 70mm throttle body, please disregard.
Well that's true. In the meantime, I'll probably just got to use that crappy looking one as I really don't want to restrict it with the stock of pipe. But I guess that's always possible if I don't get lucky and find one. Maybe from somebody that wiped out the intercooler cores? I had a pretty good intercooler stretched but I like the idea of three" in and out and don't want a bottle nuggets so soon
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Still looking as the stock up pipe is way too short to reach the throttle body.
Wow! Now there's my best answer so far. I guess I have to figure out the lengths. Once I do that maybe pacecarta has the answer! I don't want to have to cut one at all as you lose that rib that helps hold the clamps on 😉
Wow! You're full of great ideas that I didn't even know existed. I got to get some measurements and see if I can get the pipe and not worry about the ends as I could always make them. It looks like. I'm excited of
Well i can tell you its 16 inches from hole to hole measured across the top of the bend.
Just wondering if you guys that went aftermarket and cut the pipe which seems like a great option, did you roll the lip so that the hose will stay on better. Or did you have luck with that? Staying on and a nice tight clamp. Don't want it blown off while I'm blasting down the road. By the time I buy the pipe, cut it and roll the edges, I'll have $150 into the pipe. Great ideas but I think I'll just wait and hopefully PTe can come through, eventually
RJC offers a 3" up pipe for $99. Jason can probably advise if it will fit
I just measured the length my Bowling Greens stock upgrade 2 3/4" up pipe as they called it, and from hole to hole over the bend was 15.5".
I don't know why they even made it cause it necks down before and after the lip areas back to 2".
I just measured the length my Bowling Greens stock upgrade 2 3/4" up pipe as they called it, and from hole to hole over the bend was 15.5".
I don't know why they even made it cause it necks down before and after the lip areas back to 2".

I have one of those too. I like the way the hoses look more flush. I didn’t figure on any better flow, the engine can only take so much.
Just wondering if you guys that went aftermarket and cut the pipe which seems like a great option, did you roll the lip so that the hose will stay on better. Or did you have luck with that? Staying on and a nice tight clamp. Don't want it blown off while I'm blasting down the road. By the time I buy the pipe, cut it and roll the edges, I'll have $150 into the pipe. Great ideas but I think I'll just wait and hopefully PTe can come through, eventually

if you dont bead roll it will pop and could mess up the hood liner and if your lucky you wont dent the hood . it sound like a tire blowing out .
bead roll the ends
Back in the day we use to spray Hairspray on the up pipes under the rubber cuplings before silcone and good clamps but i wouldnt trust that nowadays.
Just wondering if you guys that went aftermarket and cut the pipe which seems like a great option, did you roll the lip so that the hose will stay on better. Or did you have luck with that? Staying on and a nice tight clamp. Don't want it blown off while I'm blasting down the road. By the time I buy the pipe, cut it and roll the edges, I'll have $150 into the pipe. Great ideas but I think I'll just wait and hopefully PTe can come through, eventually
None of that matters with the right hoses and clamps
Once your pipe is cut to length and ready for install maybe go to a welding shop and just have them add a bead shouldn't be more than 10 or 20 bucks or some beer. That way you don't have to buy a bead roller
There's another excellent option and definitely cheaper