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T- Type Tim

Vice Chairman
Jul 8, 2001
Its time to decide. I'm going to a lock up d-5 type convertor. Both of these convertors seem comprable to each other. Would like some feed back before I make the final decision. THX
have you decided yet? I have a PTS Billet 9x11 and love it. I also have read good things abut PATS converters. Im sure you cant go wrong with either. Nick can also hook you up with one of his specail made converters.
Can't give you a comparision, but I'm very happy with my Pat's converter
I'm going to get a 2800 pats. I'm going to get one of chris's recalibration kits put in while the trannys out. I'm also replacing a stretched TV cable and replacing all the gakets on the throttle body. Just waiting on the weather to cool off about 10 degrees.:smile:
I have used Bruce`s (PTS) restalled 5-5, and it was very nice.
Currently in my car I have a 10in Pat`s and it is nices as well.

Kinda apples to oranges, but I think either will work well.

No question

Use PTS. I have one of thier units and it is great. Not only that, but Bruce will bend over backward to help with any poblems. PTS is a real class act.

Use PTS. I have one of thier units and it is great. Not only that, but Bruce will bend over backward to help with any poblems. PTS is a real class act.


Bruce does truly spend all the time you need for anything.


ps... do get a pan as well, they rock!
I have a 10" Pat's lock-up 3000-3200 on the way.
Should be here Wed. and will be installed on Thurs..

My present restalled D5 will be for sale immediately thereafter!
No track time, about 6500 street miles, VERY reasonable. :)