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Question for Julio, at what psi/boost is alky pump maxed out


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Staff member
Feb 18, 2006
Been thinking about this for a while. Tried a search but found nothing.

What is the point at which the alky pump is maxed out?

Depends on Gain and Initial settings. If you use factory defaults from when I sent it.. blue knob on 6 and 30 psi runs it max, or blue knob on 8 and 25 PSI runs it max. This is why most set the blue gain knob to 6 and leave it alone.. as it will keep increasing as the signal keeps increasing.
What about for a dual nozzle, Razor?

Same as we're dealing with voltage sent to the pump from the controller.

Output is less when the second nozzle goes on.. but the curve is the same.

True way to being exact is datalogging pressure. Or getting a gauge setup..

Speaking of which.. very very soon now :D
Very good info...Sounds like I should turn mine 8

Speaking of which, I need to get one of those face stickers someday from you Julio...I just have a mark scratched into the face so I know about where I have been keeping it if the knob gets turned.