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Question on fuel pressure?


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Aug 23, 2008
hi, I got windshield fuel gauge hooked up to the rail. Late winter like the end of feb -march, My fuel pressure was 44psi with vacuum line off. I noticed lately it's at 47-48psi and didnt touch it. Does fuel prssure raise on it's own with warmer weather? Mine Acufab fuel pressure regulator has been rebuild a couple of years ago, I dont get it. Last weekend, I recently changed my fuel filter, Doesnt seem it changed much. Does anybody have any idea's?, appreicate it. My first 94 octane fill up after storage was crap, It felt like I just got water in the bottom of the tank, going a different gas station, it's messing with my blm's.
The fuel pressure should not change with the weather conditions. I wonder if your gauge is broken again. I hear about that a lot, gauges not working correctly and that fuel pressure will mess with your block learns. You need to get that fuel pressure back down to 42
hi, I got windshield fuel gauge hooked up to the rail. Late winter like the end of feb -march, My fuel pressure was 44psi with vacuum line off. I noticed lately it's at 47-48psi and didnt touch it. Does fuel prssure raise on it's own with warmer weather? Mine Acufab fuel pressure regulator has been rebuild a couple of years ago, I dont get it. Last weekend, I recently changed my fuel filter, Doesnt seem it changed much. Does anybody have any idea's?, appreicate it. My first 94 octane fill up after storage was crap, It felt like I just got water in the bottom of the tank, going a different gas station, it's messing with my blm's.
Check the lines.
I'm sorry. V6 sauce. I meant that your gauge might be bad, but I really met your fuel pressure. Regulator might have an issue as it should never change on its own and possibly the regulator does have an issue
If the gauge is filled with glycerin, an ambient temp change can affect the reading.
Thank u, for replys. The gauge a is Marshall liquid filled shock -proof version from had for awhile. I'm thinking maybe a new fuel gauge for now, and fresh 94 octane, and bring it down 43psi. My blm's right now are 129, touching nothing. If it goes more higher lean, than problably switch the translator on rich at idle. I gotta see. The regulator is going to be like $300 for me. There's no leaks on the line, new fuel filter last weekend.
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I’ve seen gauge readings drift as the engine warms up. I’ve always attributed it to cheap / sketchy gauges. A good sensor with good wiring will always do a good job…
Real fuel pressure wandering I’ve come across has been due to messed up return lines and sometimes sketchy wiring / grounding to the pump.
One time I came across a car that changed fuel pressure as the turn signal blinked lol.
nice info, Now I'm not nuts..I'm going to fill up with fresh 94 & cruz. After when I get a new gauge, I'm going to hook it up & see what it says. The Acubfab looks cool, I like it. Before when rebuild it before the diafram and came new screws and o -ring, o-ring didnt use becase I didnt want to disconnect it. I noticed the spring inside . Maybe it's that. That's about it with regurlator. Anyways if it come down to that I need new regulator. I don't know where to get that spring or measure what kind it is, wouldnt bother. need a new regurlator. thx for helping out
That liquid filled Marshall Gauge always seemed Erratic when it got hot.I changed to a Hood Mounted Autometer years ago it’s always in your face.
The new fuel gauge hasn't come in yet. checked fuel prrssure with line off today, after fresh 94 fill up. My blm's out of the garage is 128-129. After fill up & engine gets warm my blm's are 131 parked on the driveway when it's hot. Now the old fuel gauge reads 44psi with line off, Like it should. I think their could be a good chance my driver's side header is leaking from the weld from maybe 10 years ago when I had fixed then. I should be rich, below 128. From redoing all the vacuum related things that's connected to the engine. The translator is on 0(base settings)not lean, not rich.