kirban update
Some readers are not reading the clues
I ONLY seek the decals paper or vinyl that are on the powermaster brake unit, the core support and the radiator top plate....
Here are the ones so far that have been given that I accept as being correct.
The belt routing on the core support/top radiator plate
The fan caution found on either the core support or radiator plate
PM you got the SL on the front of the reservior
On the side of the reservoir deal about do not overfill
Ok to bring everyone up to speed above equals 4.....
Three more are possible that have NOT BEEN NAMED.
So now readers realize 7 exist....4 are above leaves 3.....
Re-read the clues....
this question still lacks the correct answers I seek.
I have never seen a sticker on the pm hose nor a label on the brake bowl yellow wording was silk screened on the brake bowl. . I do have a GM book that lists various decals and date codes which helps prove my answers. Again not stating I am perfect only that answers must agree with me.